Senate GOP divided over Speaker Johnson’s Israel gambit to politics – 105 points –
Senate GOP divided over Speaker Johnson’s Israel gambit

Senate Republicans are battling among themselves over what to do with Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) proposal to package $14.3 billion in aid for Israel with an equal cut to the IRS’s budget, and with no additional money for Ukraine.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his allies want the Israel and Ukraine money packaged together, which has led to accusations they are undermining Johnson from Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

Democrats oppose the cuts to the IRS funding. They argue it will raise the deficit and that it politicizes aid to U.S. allies fighting enemy threats.


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We've been piping them 5% of the DOD budget for like 40 years, gave them iron domes, rifles, aircraft, and tracks and wheels, with ammunition for the lot. I think we've done our share as an Ally, and Israel's actions can only reflect poorly on us when they use our tools to excercize manifest destiny.

You mean genocide when you say manifest destiny?

That's what manifest destiny always means.

In an American context, yes. I was just pointing it out for those not familiar with the white supremacy belief that pervades American history.