Kit Sorens

1 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Some retired old fart who can't be bothered to learn fancy-schmancy Web 2.0. Rock on like it's '93

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Forcing Reddit, by law, to delete any and all data associated with your account. If you do this, make sure to specify that your request includes all posts and comments as you believe they contain "personally identifiable information" that you do not trust Reddit to keep safe. It forces them to use a lot of resources and kills any reason for you to relapse on your adiggtion

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It does not protect them from social consequence, just government reprisal.


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We've been piping them 5% of the DOD budget for like 40 years, gave them iron domes, rifles, aircraft, and tracks and wheels, with ammunition for the lot. I think we've done our share as an Ally, and Israel's actions can only reflect poorly on us when they use our tools to excercize manifest destiny.

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Rich people

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That's an old white-hat trick. If the tables drop, the wrap helps them bounce.

It would activate the FEMA fund and allow for a pool of executive spending for disaster relief, yes.

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If you haven't read The Last Human by Zack Jordan, I highly recommend it. In between chapters, the reader is treated to excerpts from an Asmovian encyclopedia that explains the rules of the intergalactic society that the sole remaining human, the main character, has to navigate.

As part of joining the trillion-species-strong network, a species must fill out a form to dictate the nouns and adjectives for your species, home star, homeworld, sexual divisions (where applicable), and so on. It's noted in the book that since there are so many species already assigned values in the database, the encyclopedia warns that names like Earth, dirt, mud, moon, star, sol, and home are already taken, and are constantly rejected in proposals.

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I now explicitly trust this writer and take his word as gospel.

There are checks and balances. They only work when the government operates in good faith.

I see a future where China out and out steals the unity backend to publish the CCP spyware flavor of unity.

Well, when IQ was invented, it was assumed that well-adjusted people generally had higher IQs, and since there -are- people with incredably inhibited mental capability, and those people -are- considered neurodivergent by definition, it was assumed that high functioning neurodivergent people must also be "mentally deficient" if they can't function properly in society, with some exceptions to savants who were recognized as being so highly capable in their field that it compensated for their "stupidity" in common matters. It's also noteworthy that public understanding of mental health disorders pre-80's boiled down to "r****d" and "schizo."

Me writing my silly little forms apps in silly little VS Pretty drop-down fields :)

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That's what you're hung up on? There's a whole subgenre of sharks with tits.

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They'll rot

I work in IT. My favorite thing to call tricky problems is "interesting." It always gives the reasonably frustrated client a reason to chuckle. "Very cool," or "Is -that- so" or "ah, good, a different error! Progress..." Are other ones to sprinkle in where they fit. Being upbeat while sharing their frustration to an empathetic degree buys you a lot more time to troubleshoot than if you sat on mute for 30min googling things and clicking on their remote window once every 5min to get the same error. And conveying that a problem is very complex is also important, when to them, going from not printing to printing seems like it should be an easy fix because "it worked this morning."

Clippy never had a voice and tbh the one that comes to mind for him is not very easy on the ears. Like downpitched spongebob.

Baal Out

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The reason nobody liked 2042 was because it shook things up to much. If they were going back to their roots I might be hyped.

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Be less Christian to be more Christ-Like.

Being gay is not something you're stuck with, it's who you are and you have every right to celebrate it.

You're very clever. Don't use your cleverness to manipulate or do harm.

You will find love.


I would suddenly feel very sad for the one of them that bottled it up for 40 years, and for the other who obviously has known for many of those years...

The word you're looking for is schadenfreude

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All good here, Cap'!

Happy the tankies gripe about us.

I consider myself a sewer socialist. I have only ever used the term "comrade" in a derisive sense. I do not stand for kings, billionaires, dictators, or any form of political tyrant. The populist voice has proven to be largely reasonable, even if not the loudest, and I haven't lost faith in democracy, despite the current US democracy being under threat from within. To answer the question, do not equate MLism to modern democratic socialism. They may share similar roots, but one is far more attainable and better serves an industrial society while the other is based on a nearly 200-year theory of social autocracy that has been put into practice dozens of times to abhorrent results. It is my right to own and make use of the fruits of my own labor. The government shall not own my mind or my hands, and its duty is to protect those rights for me and every American.

Lackadaisy and Helluva Boss make up most of my current hype train.

Eek! Beam it out, Scotty!!!

I've had the notion of producing some SDXL images of jesus doing hateful things that Christians do, like holding up a "god hates f*gs" sign or roaring and frothing at a trump rally. Make them see what "Christ through them" looks like. Put it on billboards and shit.

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Would real ceremonial muskets look that bare, chipped, and worn?


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Me hearing a whisper in the wind through my kitchen window: "You're letting all of the bought air ouuuuutttt..."

Don't send a 2nd message to Tri Solaris.

If it looks like a duck, and smells like a duck, and walks like a duck... Don't bother with its mallard-manifesto.

A Rose by any other name needs it's thorns clipped.

It's a light mech! Gettem!

That mentality is surely broader than fascism itself. You see it in any hypernationalist state. Rome had "the barbarians." The British Empire had "the savages." Nazi Germany had "the jews." There is always an "other" when the state needs it. Unless you're painting a broader form of fascism, perhaps.

Unfortunately, the email thing got me in 2016. I did not make that mistake again with the laptop. Never again.

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Which this probably is if they want to pack as much data as possible in one unit.

Titan A.E. - The last great Don Bluth animated film that sank Fox Animation at the box office is still an incredible hidden gem from 2000.

Charlie Chaplin said "hold my beer" and dropped the greatest parody tape of all time. I think it's your turn.