Stop using Fandom to – 782 points –
Stop using Fandom

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The reason you often cannot find smaller wikis is because this site killed them off.

All too common within attention economy for people to go for the more popular choice.
Search engine algorithms tend to make things even worse.

But there are games out there that might not even have wikis if Fandom didn't make the barrier of entry so low.

What games are so small as to not be capable of generating a non fandom wiki, but are large enough that the wiki is not completely empty and factually incorrect?

Well old games like The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut or Moero Chronicles.
Neither of these where completely empty when I found them. Been updating them and filling some gaps in the wiki for the fun of it.

Many would consider both of these games "dead" by many metrics but people can still buy them, play them and have fun with them.

And wouldnt host them?

The problem is that the content is already in wiki fandom and there are no contributors invested/interested enough to migrate all the information to alternative wiki. These fandom wikis have no teams just random individuals making contributions of various sizes.

If I do ever get invested enough to a game to actually create a wiki I'll definately use something else than fandom.

..... Didnt you just say you made those 2 examples? Or did I misread

Quoting what I said in earlier reply:

Neither of these where completely empty when I found them. Been updating them and filling some gaps in the wiki for the fun of it.

I have not created any wikis myself I've just contributed to few that I've found which unfortunately have been hosted on fandom.

Ah, I did misread.

Pretty sure has a wiki port request, so the fandom versions can be moved