I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to News@lemmy.world – 768 points –
I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.

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While I agree that being homeschooled in a religious community hindered me in a ton of ways I think the one benefit for me was not having to mask my adhd, my mental health now is better for it, but that's a small victory in a sea of failure.

Well I didn't have to mask, but I also didn't get my ADHD, bipolar or anxiety recognized/diagnosed until well into my adult life, lmao.

I also didn't get treated for my adhd until the last few years, in fact the main reason I was pulled into homeschooling is because my mother didn't want me medicated, she's still a fucking moron.

I've yet to get medicated. Last time I tried I had the wrong diagnosis and ended up in grippy socks, and I'm currently living by myself, so starting new meds is kinda frightening tbh.

I did drink/smoke way too much as a coping mechanism, because yakno meds that help someone be able to function like a normal person are EVIL, but letting ur kid go undiagnosed and untreated is so fucking healthy for their long-term mental health.

My parents also managed to fuck up my math track to put me a year behind, and when I found their error and tried to catch up, they didn't support at all.

Homeschool parents are [very often] imbeciles.

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