Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st to Reddit – 205 points –

The latest from /r/ModCoord.


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I’m not going to go to Reddit to read a call to action. Is the call to action, “boycott Reddit?” If so, I have good news for you… if the call to action is something other than “stop using Reddit,” it’s the wrong call to action.

But Call to Danger is always the right call!\_qWbMB-0

I'm 42. Last year I was 41 and discovered the name of the song is "Tijuana Taxi". This year I discovered "Regular Gas". It has nothing to do with the discussion, but hopefully future someone will be like "hmm" and (re)discover a gem. True! If it is Important to know, dear @DeadNinja, please copy the TEXT over here, not a link to reddit. We don't want traffic to go there, we want traffic from there to migrate over here. :)