Minecraft is leaving Reddit

cazzodicristo@kbin.social to Reddit Migration@kbin.social – 756 points –

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Minecraft dev here: support on Reddit was always more of a passion project for a few people and not a hard mandate.

Leaving reddit was the teams choice (I assume for the same reason some of you left, reddit went to shit).

Have they considered going someplace else like Lemmy? I was a little disappointed that they didn't offer an equivalent alternative to go to.

At a guess if something like here starts becoming popular with people I suspect they'll comment here for example. Kbin is growing, see what happens I guess.

The "equivalent" is already / has been pushed hard in the launcher and youtube content. Mojang / Microsoft already has it's own Feedback forum-style thing.

Yeah but that was the appeal of things like reddit. Not having to go to all manner of different forums for the specific interest.