Discord will switch to temporary file links to block malware delivery

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 347 points –

Discord will switch to temporary file links to block malware delivery::Discord will switch to temporary file links for all users by the end of the year to block attackers from using its CDN (content delivery network) for hosting and pushing malware.


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...... But it is, and they offer for people to pay them in order to function as such.

"Kroger shouldnt sell groceries. 🤷‍♀️ Grow your own celery, if you intended to eat it and not sell it you shouldnt have bought it from a store to begin with."

You're beim disingenuous, discord very clearly wasn't selling file hosting and was simply offering file transfer

They literally were selling that. That was the thing they flaunted as a big reason to pay up, was the permanence of the file storage.

If they werent aware of that, or its effect on their sales, I would be genuinely shocked. That would be like mcdonalds being surprised people wanted fries with their combo meal.

Surely you can quote where the permance of file storage "was the thing they flaunted as a big reason to pay up".

And no, a mere mention of increased upload sizes is not enough.

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