The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to – 351 points –
The vanishing of the small high-end smartphone

Manufacturers don’t make displays under 6 inches available for purchase, with special cases (such as the iPhone Mini) being made under exclusive contracts. The best lead they have so far is to try to use displays designed for the front part of a foldable phone, but they’re yet to strike an agreement.

TIL that display manufacturers are also part of the reason why we aren't getting small phones and why it's probably even harder for manufacturers like Fairphone to make them.


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i want a smartphone, that i can hold securely
while still being able to reach the entire screen.

i have pretty big hands, and even i cant reach the upper left quarter of my phone (pixel6a) without letting go of the left and bottom edges.
its ridiculous

Putting things like a back arrow on the upper left is just asshole design, for starters.

Which is why Android very seldom puts stuff in the far top left corner and if it does, it's the back arrow, which you can and should avoid by just using the universal back action via either gestures (my favorite), the on screen button, or the physical button if you have one.

Material design is pretty much about moving shit away from the top and especially lop left to the bottom

Similarly putting stuff in the upper right is just asshole design for those of us who are left handed, unfortunately that's relatively common.

Oh yes, to top it I have small hands - I can't reach almost any of the opposite edge without using two hands. Sigh.