And then you are stubborn and do not want to use that health pot(medicine) to ADHD – 567 points –

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The title and comments are super toxic.

Mental health disorders are serious issues. You owe it to yourself to explore and utilize all treatment options available. Refusing to take medications out of some weird sense of pride isn't funny, it's self destructive.

Well, I wasn't trying to be toxic as a person with diagnosed ADHD myself, simply sharing that my brain thinks it can "beat" it by not resorting to any help( meds in this case) , which is why I used that analogy because it's similar to games, I do not recommend on skipping on help tho medicine exist for a reason, you are not alone and you don't have to fight it alone either.

It's not only you though. The top comment is talking about how they only take medication when they REALLY need it.

Like I get you build up a tolerance but it's possible to take ADHD meds on a semi consistent basis. Plus Wellbutrin/Effexor/Starters/Qelbree are at the very least better than nothing.

Refusing to take medications out of some weird sense of pride isn't funny, it's self destructive.

For a nuanced perspective, some medications are indeed overprescribed, and you should be careful with your health.

thanks for this comment. its a common problem. I needed to literally have my partner encourage me for almost a year to finally see a psychiatrist to get treated. better living through chemistry, give yourself the conditions you need to thrive and take care of yourself/your loved ones. nobody is going to see you treading water and go "ah, so tough and brave to be doing that". grab a floaty!