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So we have two options:

  1. A 52 year old federal judge is somehow tech illiterate in a way that would imply they have absolutely no idea about the fundamentals of modern technology.

  2. A federal judge is asking a large number of extremely basic questions to get their answers on official records so that the cases parameters are clearly defined. He is taking extra care because there's not a lot of direct precedent on these issues.

I'm heavily leaning towards number 2 here. The internet likes to pretend everyone over the age of 40 has no idea how a computer works. The year is 2023. A middle-aged person today was fairly young when computers started to be incorporated into all aspects of society and is well versed in computer literacy. In some ways they are actually much more tech literate than the younger generations. It's almost certain that he knows the difference between Firefox and Google.

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I get that social media seems to be a constant stream of outrage with nobody actually caring, but I think this story might actually derail her.

There are articles in Fox News, NY Post, and other conservative media outlets about this. They are fairly critical. The fox news one includes tweets from a "country boy" who is like "there's a difference between taking an old animal out back and a fucking puppy".

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Honestly if you read the actual email I think there could be significant legal trouble ahead.

Spencer talks about how the main barrier to acquiring Nintendo is that they sit on a mountain of cash. He calls that unfortunate. He then proceeded to state a company with connections to Microsoft had just bought a lot of Nintendo shares, and how they could work with said company to make such an acquisition a reality.

The company in question publicly bought a massive amount of Nintendo shares. They then proceeded to pressure Nintendo to invest more capital instead of sitting on the cash pile they have now. They did this under claims that such a move would be beneficial to Nintendo in terms of ROI. However, it would also result in Nintendo being more vulnerable to an acquisition from Microsoft if any of those bets don't pay off.

In short, it could be argued that Microsoft worked with investors to tank Nintendo so they could buy it. That's a huge deal and will probably result in a shitstorm.

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People are calling this kid stupid. I disagree.

Nobody buying food in America would think that a single serving product would be able to kill you without any sort of prior health conditions. This is a completely fair assumption and one that is important.

Second, the one chip challenge has been in the public eye for a while. There are multiple examples of people eating them successfully in previous years. When things do go badly, it's usually something along the lines of "I threw up everywhere". That's a far cry from dying and along the lines of risks teenagers have taken for decades.

Third, a ton of food items use the skull and crossbones motif. I've seen it on hot sauces that aren't even that spicy. Nobody assumes that the skull and crossbones means risking death. This is, again, because everyone assumes that food is generally safe to eat.

In conclusion, don't sell things in convenience stores that can kill an otherwise healthy person in short order. While this is especially true for children, it's a good rule of thumb in general.

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The Lemmy community is disproportionately made up of either computer nerds or queer people.

Star Trek is basically the most popular nerd IP that hasn't been successfully brought into the mainstream, and is known for being progressive.

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How do they have this many employees and an absolutely trash android app?

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So I don't mean to be racist but as an American, it seems like a ton of Indian startup culture centers around BS claims made for hype.

Like so does American startup culture, but India takes it to the next level.

So I wouldn't use this as an industry barometer.

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I can't take anyone who defends these Gawker media sites seriously.

Their entire premise was to be the biggest asshole possible, justify it using bastardized social justice talking points, and then imply everyone who calls them out is some kind of deplorable.

Jezebel published article after article of extremely offensive and cruel content. I'm pretty sure at one point they published an article about how they beat their spouses. Their former owner stated in court that he would publish a sex tape if the participant was older than 4. Their former EIC talked about how it was important to bully nerds into submission.

These people are fucking psychopaths. It's a good thing they are done.

I'm also not 100 percent sure the premise of this is correct. There are tons of articles on abortion from less tabloid style news orgs.

I personally can't wait for AI to cause a thotmarket collapse.

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I'm gonna get downvoted, but this culture where teenagers can form parasocial relationships with what are essentially softcore pornstars and a culture where women can very easily become pornstars isn't healthy.

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You can tell the exec who greenlit this was a boomer because they went with IBM.

An AI drive through was always going to be difficult. IBM simply isn't the company that can do stuff like that anymore, and they haven't been for decades at this point.

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I'm surprised Sundar isn't on the hot seat at this point.

People are gonna be like "oh well he presided over X revenue growth and that's all investors care about". Investors also care about future returns.

Under Sundar, Google has more or less completely failed to diversify. They've had the advantage on several products, only for them to dick around while their competitors established (or re-established) dominance. The areas where they have market dominance went from "we have the far superior product" to "this Lowkey sucks, but I can't think of anything better".

As far as I'm concerned Sundar is Google's Sculley. Google will go for a long time under its own momentum, but eventually the wheels will come off.

Meanwhile Nadella is getting paid a quarter as much.

The title and comments are super toxic.

Mental health disorders are serious issues. You owe it to yourself to explore and utilize all treatment options available. Refusing to take medications out of some weird sense of pride isn't funny, it's self destructive.

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Alright so who do you think implements it first: Google Voice or Apple?

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So she's actually been around for a long time. The only reason I know was because she was a minor figure in a major internet drama..

Basically in 2014 there was something called GamerGate. It started off as anger over journalists being complete dickwads, and ended in being the blueprint neonazis used to radicalize people.

While the tech journalists were "the good guys" they embodied the "you're not wrong, just an asshole" thing 10000x. They would behave like high school bullies and then be super vindictive to anyone who was perceived as crossing them.

During this time, Wu went to a tech conference with a LED miniskirt that she made. She posted it on the Internet and got a lot of comments. The vast majority of them were good. However, one person said something along the lines of "you look great. These tech conferences can be sexist, I hope you didn't get body shamed". She responded with something like "most people were chill. The only real dicks were the progressive 'conformity non/conformity' types".

This caused a massive shitstorm. Bad actors were able to use the very real argument that the same people calling them sexist were judging Wu so hard that it was visible in pictures". The journalists then attacked her and accused Wu of working with them. Wu apologized. She said she was Chinese and didn't mean to get involved in US culture war discussions. However, she also refused to take a side because she didn't want to get involved in US culture war discussions.

As a result, she got put on a shit list by the media for a long time. That line about VICE NEWS considering outing her? A media organization linked to GamerGate called Gawker pioneered that tactic. They largely used it on us conservatives. Peter Thiel was the biggest example, most people outed were more or less nobodies. I'm guessing VICE had initial thoughts of outing her in the same way, and only later realizing that outing a woman for being a lesbian dating a minority in China is a very different ballgame than outing Timothy Geithner's brother for being on Grindr.

The worst part of it is that they are still driving up the cost by bundling YouTube music.

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I get the feeling the part of capitalism Phil Spencer hates is the part where consumers can take their business elsewhere if they don't like the product.

The real disgusting thing is those faith based services.

Basically there's a loophole in the ACA where religions can offer "health ministries" that do not have to abide by any real rules. They rely on leveraging people's faith and using misinformation to get them on a plan that screws you if you're really sick.

Honestly I blame the news orgs for this.

There are a ton of videos floating around that ARE credible. They simply aren't getting reported on in a meaningful way. If they do get mentioned, it's often in an extremely watered down manner that almost feels intentionally misleading.

You also have videos that are 100 percent verifiable (or the protest videos) that are only being reported on by a few organizations, often leaving out important context.

If the mainstream media refuses to truly engage in the situation, then people will turn to dubious sources.

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It's interesting. If I were a teenager today I would read this and think Microsoft ruined what would have been an amazing game by corporate greed.

I was a teenager when Fable III came out though, so I know better.

First game reviews from that era are completely whack. You had a ton of big name game blogs that were basically giving everything a 9/10 if it was from the right publisher. The smaller blogs weren't really in the internet zeitgeist until Fable III, so you could compare their scores of Fable I and II for reference.

That being said, there was a lot of discussion about how Fable II was a bit of a disappointment. People felt that the system was a lot shallower than promised, and the game itself felt extremely on rails at times. None of the endings really change the world, which wouldn't be that insulting if two of them didn't involve your dog dying. I think saying that Fable II was amazingly well received is kinda bs.

I can say for sure that putting the blame on Microsoft for Fable III over promising and under delivering is absolute horeshit. The guy behind Fable, Molyneux, was famous for pulling that crap. This was an era where basically virtually every single game trailer could have been an FTC violation of anyone was paying attention, and Molyneux somehow stood out beyond anyone else for how full of shit he was. At one point he implied that he developed AGI and implemented it in a video game.

While Boomers got a lot of things wrong, as I get older I sort of understand where they are coming from. This article paints a narrative so incorrect it's almost fictional, and it's being propagated because most people interacting are too young to remember but somehow extremely self assured.

Because of this or because it's like 50% more expensive than it has any right to be?

I think everyone should watch the Republican debate.

Foreign policy, specifically Ukraine, was one of the few things where there was a genuine schism among candidates.

Most of them came down firmly on the side of Ukraine. The most vocal defenders were Pence and Haley. Meanwhile the biggest ones discussing an exit from Ukraine were Desantis and Ramasway.

Haley made Ramasway look like an idiot. She did so by drawing clear parallels to US interests and Ukrainian interests in a way that democrats don't focus on.

Pence also got some good hits on Desantis. Honestly it was weird. He seemed personable and somewhat funny during that segment. As with the rest of the night, Desantis looked like a coward. He tried to take some tepid middle ground position where he never really committed to anything. The tone of voice and phrasing he used made it feel like he was genuinely scared to take a true policy stance. Like at least Ramasway was running around being like "fuck you all I'm right" and commiting.

My point is foreign policy seems to be a genuine line in the sand for a lot of conservatives. I think taking an isolationist stance during what is becoming the second cold war will backfire.

So, as it's been stated, Wayland is still not universally better than X. There are still bugs in places. Gaming is still an issue. Kwin's implementation still isn't complete enough to be reliably introduced as the default.

This is after years and years of work. Yes, making an entirely new display protocol is hard. However Wayland was introduced as the "eventual X replacement" when I was in high school. I'm 30 now. I've heard some variation of "Wayland is almost ready" since my senior year of college.

At some point it becomes exhausting. At this point when someone says something along the lines of "in a year or two, Wayland will reach a point where X.org will be a thing of the past" my immediate reaction is to call bullshit.

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I cannot think of a car company I'd trust less to do this than Hyundai/Kia.

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The FCC under Biden has a long term plan to reclassify the internet under Title II, which would allow much stricter and wider ranging regulations.

They are probably trying to get that pushed through first.

If this becomes common enough there's gonna be a whole cottage industry of jailbreaking cars.

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I'm convinced this was a foreign attempt to stir up and/or signal boost controversy.

Dude is the mayor of Baltimore. A DEI hire in that city would be a wealthy white man. It's also had serious issues for decades regardless of who was in charge.

There isn't an American alive who doesn't know this. Trump commented that Baltimore was a rat infested shit hole. Obama commented that Baltimore had serious issues. There was a fucking Broadway musical where the opening song is how much the protagonist loves Baltimore where she giddily describes being surrounded by filth, sex offenders, and addicts.

There are different types of ignorance. Calling the mayor of Baltimore incompetent due to DEI falls under the "living under a rock for several decades" type of ignorance that I have a hard time believing is common among Twitter users.

Look I'm traditionally of the argument that societal degradation narratives are overblown, but the fact that videos where people shove things up their own ass seem to be getting more common every year is a pretty good point in favor of them.

You know in 2021 I thought that the MSM was deliberately ignoring the issues with EVs and promoting overly rosy timelines as part of a political agenda.

After seeing the massive amount of FUD they published about EVs over the past year, I think they are just bad at their jobs.

It feels like the media covers EVs based on vibes versus doing actual research. As a result they've consistently publish articles that are either borderline nonsense hopium or complete doomerism.

IMO I still think hybrids will be instrumental tech over the next decade. Those 300 mile EVs often get much worse range in weather conditions that are common in many parts of the country. It's also simply going to take considerable time for fast charging infrastructure to become ubiquitous enough to truly address range anxiety.

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The result would be a genocide, but this time you can identify the jews by not having a star of david anywhere on their body.

Hasn't it been revealed that the devs are tankies who straight up refuse to implement features that they feel would undermine the cause?

For example, they have a hard coded Blocklist. There have been tickets to change this to instance implemented. Every time this comes up, the devs claim that this has already been implemented and lock discussion. However if you actually look at the commit sha the hard coded Blocklist is still in place.

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Look people are gonna say Elon was always like this but I disagree. There's a difference between being a major asshole and this kind of insanity.

We all acknowledge how being terminally online has a huge negative effect on your mental health. We all acknowledge that covid drove a lot of people crazy.

I'm pretty this happened to Elon. This isn't a sympathy thing just an observation.

I think YouTube is in an extremely good position to elevate long form content. The problem is that I have 0 faith in googles management to the point where I'm sure they'll ruin it eventually.

I disagree on telegram. It's never been more relevant. Both Russian and Ukrainians post on them real time involving the war. You could follow the failed coup on Wagner via telegram.

Conceptually, I think there's a huge need for a telegram like service that's more or less free for all parties to broadcast via channels. Obviously there are downsides, but I'd argue the ability to broadcast revolutions real time is worth it.

The problem is telegram itself isn't really trustworthy given the Russia connection

Shit like this makes me think the CIA isn't nearly as powerful as we think they are.

So I agree with OP on the style of the press release being infuriating.

It seems like a lot of tech releases these days are written for non technical journalists (ie The Verge), "tech influencers", and cargo cultists. They always read in a way that's super overhyped to the point where you almost want to be dismissive of the end product as a form of protests.

However the tech seems cool. Between VSCode and GitHub we'll be seeing a lot of feedback sooner or later.

Hyundai/Kia owners have, in large numbers, told Kia Group about quality issues their cars have. Their usual response is to gaslight everyone until some government agency sues.

Investors generally want to get a positive ROI. They don't want to tank the company to the point where it can be acquired by another company for pennies on the dollar.

Look at Nokia. When they hired a former Microsoft exec, they weren't expecting him to tank the entire company so it could be acquired by Microsoft.

We do have a functioning government. I requires claims to be tried in court instead of just taking $500 million dollars away without any sort of due process.

Look I can't help but feel deceived.

Every single time the death penalty was brought up, nitrogen asphyxiation was touted as a humane alternative. There were always claims that it would be painless, and that the process itself was extremely well understood. It was usually further implied that the reason states don't do this was because death penalty advocates wanted the prisoner to suffer as long as possible.

Yet the second nitrogen asphyxiation became a viable option, the very same people touting it lined up against it. Suddenly it was completely unproven. Suddenly it was wholly inhumane and inflicted suffering.

It's so incredibly obvious that the push for nitrogen asphyxiation was at least in part a bad faith argument by people who are philosophically opposed to the death penalty.

Being philosophically opposed to the death penalty is a valid opinion, but the dishonesty makes me much less inclined for me to take these people seriously.

I don't think I'm unique in that regard. Nobody likes being deceived or lied to.

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I think the frustration comes from the fact that this could have easily been avoided. The primaries didn't have to be a formality.

I'm honestly just impressed by how much this guy has grown. I remember when he was going on rants about how much he hates atheists.