Youtube Premium to – 1116 points –

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Same, the value I get from it through YouTube Music is significant. It's also barely more expensive than Spotify in my region so it's a no-brainer.

Though I still use ReVanced to get SponsorBlock and other UI fixes.

Yeah, YouTube has issues (dislike removal, demonetization policies, etc) but premium is not as bad as people treat it.

I would actually be even more bullish on it if premium disregarded any demonetization of videos (edit: in terms of paying creators for the view)

Edit: also I would wish any data collected from premium users is limited to improving the user experience and not for improving ads

Edit: also I would wish any data collected from premium users is limited to improving the user experience and not for improving ads

True. I think the only "data" they get from us for that purpose are their exclusive beta features, and even that is voluntary and not very common