0 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Apparently Genshin Impact and some Nintendo Games are made in Unity, and there are even some plans to charge Microsoft for Game Pass installs.

I hope Unity's legal team is prepared.

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How do you plan on improving the onboarding/sign-up process for newcomers, especially when they have little to no understanding about the Fediverse?

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I never really realized how bad reddit slowly became until I've settled into lemmy/kbin, everything is mostly peaceful here (for now, maybe)

Isn't that what was specified in the original reddiquette? Downvote to maintain quality, but not to disagree?

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Oh dear, and I thought it was somehow related to machine learning/AI stuff

Same, the value I get from it through YouTube Music is significant. It's also barely more expensive than Spotify in my region so it's a no-brainer.

Though I still use ReVanced to get SponsorBlock and other UI fixes.

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and with LASIM you can migrate all your subs over with a couple clicks.

I've been so hesitant about making another account, but this one seem very useful. Thanks for this one!

For me it, wasn't too hard since by various metrics I am what'd you call a "power user", but for those who aren't, it could take a while to get their head around the Fediverse.

Even Lemmy isn't safe from the duplicate comment issue lol

I like it too, it's a genius detail tbh

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Sync for Lemmy

I can't believe I somehow missed this, and I use Sync! The recent UI changes were a godsend, swipe to upvote is very convenient.

Idk man, the days when almost every other action on Kbin was blocked by a Cloudflare CAPTCHA was infuriating

And you can never post the same topic again since it'll be marked as duplicate and links back to that useless-ass post

I was wondering where these comments went. Keep up the good work, mate!

It's nice but it just lacks the diversity that, over time, made reddit unique.

Yeah, it lacks the userbase that allows for one to ask a hyperspecific question about a very niche topic, and near-instantly get a good answer from an expert on said niche topic.

I have actually started finding results for things on on Google.

What was your search query, did you specifically call for a lemmy result or was organically shown?

You can sign up for Sync for Lemmy, you may have to use a Chromium-based browser and disable uBlock to register tho

Plot twist: they create another Bir Tawil

YT Music even has a mode to only play songs that i don't have in my likes. Awesome.

I don't know this one, how do I find this? Thanks.

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Or a very solid way of backing up important stuff like family photos, because no burglar in their right mind would steal a DVD from your home.

Same here, but you just need to update ReVanced, fixed a lot of stuff

Or lack thereof in the desktop—the third party ones seem to be electron wrappers, so I might as well make a pinned tab on my browser instead.

I like how barebones it is overall though, I switched in 2020 because I felt Spotify was getting too bloated.

More and more I get tempted to get an iPhone (Pro) especially now they have USB-C, but until sideloading there becomes as easy as it is on Android, it's still gonna be a tough sell for me.

Hell, reddit share holders seem to be upset with what’s going on

Not that I don't believe this, seems plausible to me⎯but would you happen to have a source for that.

so there are decent odds they’ll revert the changes and we’ll be back there in a year.

Hate to say this but I'm still clinging on to Reddit for some of the niche subs, but hopefully they'll spring up here.

Edit: also I would wish any data collected from premium users is limited to improving the user experience and not for improving ads

True. I think the only "data" they get from us for that purpose are their exclusive beta features, and even that is voluntary and not very common

Same here. r/worldbuilding, r/writing, and r/writing prompts hasn't had a sizable presence on lemmy yet...

I think even the jump between 2.7 and 2.8 is huge in terms of user-friendliness and aesthetics, but yeah over time Blender has gotten way more features and support. Hell, it supported ARM Macs way before Maya did, and the latter only got ARM support earlier this year. I expected Apple to fully complete their transition before Autodesk managed to pull it off.

Maybe support can help you with that, something tells me it's likely an accident...

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Same. I kinda miss the UI of LastPass but thankfully that free tier limit happened before their recent data breach(es), so I definitely won't be going back now.

The way it jumped at you when you least expect it was part of the charm

Yeah, as long as they're both clear and non-intrusive, I might make an exception in uBlock...

Maybe it's just Google search (ironic), but I couldn't find anything about the W3C speaking against the proposal. If W3C is against it then I think it's even more likely the entire thing would be shot down.

c/Worldbuilding finally getting traction is enough to seal the deal for me, I've stayed in Reddit mostly because of that community and r/eurovision

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It kinda did via a push notification, but IIRC Google Play ToS won't allow a developer to suddenly change an app's functionality significantly

Oh my god yes please, I'll be there when it happens

And isn't the 140w reserved for the new MagSafe port?

Same, though those D&D websites work in Brave with the usual blockers turned on (uBlock + Brave's blockers), so maybe its an engine thing?

Same here, I used Firefox for a long time but Arc just captured me with its beauty and polish. Sideberry for Firefox kinda replicates the vertical tab experience, but man it's so much better when the solution is native to the app.

Same here. All the BG3 discussion is concentrated there and it's quite annoying, but I can kinda live with that.

> Minimum

> GTX 970

I guess I really need to upgrade, huh?

It's nice that it's ARM native on launch tho, I think storage will be my only issue there (I opted for 256GB model because the storage upgrade is too expensive)