Trillium Notes to – 93 points –
GitHub - zadam/trilium: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes

I've been using Obsidian for a long time. I enjoy it and all of its extensions. However setting up the app and syncthing on all of my systems gets irritating.

Any way, after a little looking around, I found Trillium notes. It doesn't quite have all the extensions, but is easier to setup. Give it a look, see what you think


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I've tried lot of selfhosted note taking apps. A lot.

While Trillium is polished and efficient, I find that the PWA makes the UI hard to navigate and read. It deserves a real app, optimized for smaller screens.

I haven't really used obisidian as it is a bit overkill for my use case anyway. So not using trillium wasn't such a loss.

I ended up using bookstack for my knowledge base, and flatnotes for everyday note taking.

I agree that it could be nice to have an app that just points at your instance with a more intuitive UI.

I like the idea of using bookstack, don't know what it is, but I just can't get into using it.

It deserves a real app, optimized for smaller screens.

A PWA can be optimized in the same way. For something like a note taking app, I don't really understand the benefit that a native app would provide over a PWA.

I'm not sure what you're bringing to the discussion. It can be optimised, OK. But how ? What kind of knowledge do I need to have ?

It seems like you have that knowledge. Were you able to offer some help to the dev so that he can offer a better solution to users ?

I have to admit that a native app or an optimised PWA would both work for me.

It sounds like someone has already done some of the work (the mobile view plugin). I don't use this software at the moment so I'm not familiar with its features and codebase, but I'd offer help to the dev if I did. Po

Yes, someone mentioned this. I need to have a look and understand how it works.