Rule The Police to – 679 points –

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I think you'll find you'll start getting taken way more seriously online when you start typing like an adult. Use whole words, not stupid abbreviations. Capitalize and punctuate appropriately.

If you want to be taken seriously online, don't use stupid colloquialisms like "way more seriously." Use grammatically correct phrasing like "far more seriously." Start writing like an adult.

didnt ask + go fuck urself + i type however the fuck i want uwu

i think u might be seen as way less unlikeable if u stopped being such a tight assed bitch <3

i'm an adult. any way i type is like an adult. if someone cant take me serious because of the way i type, thats their issue. i'm in the comment section of an online meme community not writing a work email. i can write however i want as long as its understandable.

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