
10 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

i saw a meme about frogs dying when they are sat up like that. so i assume this one is either dead or suffering :<


idk if thats a good metric. many ppl just lurk and rarely post or comment

transphobia :<

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i hope you are wearing your penis costume while posting, otherwise it doesnt count

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dog got converted to imperial💀

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i think us politics being posted everywhere is what's annoying. do you even notice how they are everywhere? i dont see thousands of memes about australian elections.

if you want to post about your local politics on international platforms, you got to handle ppl telling you they dont know anything about that. you can always go to dedicated us politics spaces, if it bothers you so much.

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corrupted kitten

this meme is speaking to my heart

people not caring about what happens with their data saddens me so much, frustrates me and makes me feel powerless

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writes fully understandable comment

some fucking smartass cunt, the absolute bane of my existence, the most annoying creature in this universe: "please use propper spelling and punctuation🤓🤓"

words can not express the hate i feel for this kind of person

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in a lot of places you are legally obligated to tell cops ur name and show them ur passport or drivers license, when they ask. so if this is the case for u, u should do it (and then shut up and say nothing more without ur lawyer)

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the same meme, but cropped

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i get this is just supposed to be a joke but it really boils down to "non-linux users are stupid" and that's just sad

returning mastectomized transmascs boob ;w;

maybe this healing works like in the cosmere universe, restoring the body to ones own self image. identiy affirmative resurection 🥰🥰

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source: it's me! i harass ppl from the usa for their crime of being from the usa!! >:3

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i am so close to actually getting it!! i got the heelies in december and the only thing holding me back is money... but i got a job now!! >>:3

ow, you see, its not deliberate! isreal just accidentally genocides palastinians. all "whoopsy, i didnt mean to. shit happens ig haha .. anyway, lets settle this magically emptied strip of land"

"windows sucks" proceeds to write software for mac os🙃

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that parent seems like a bitch. me no likey

as someome who knows neither the us states nor australian areas well, i dont het any of this :33

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gay envy all year around

i think you can point out how "the better party" is horrible, manipulative, and lying without saying the they are equal to the worse party or endorsing that worse party.

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i found a video about this on youtube lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14j5qv2KbE4

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the game should have double jump and grappling hooks (i'm trans btw)

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and enbies (its me, i should be in the bottom half)

i remember seeing an article saying that they forbit gender neutral language to stop language policing @w@

fucking freaks

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this is a banger meme and super cute but please crop it ;w;

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i'm sure that person did great stuff and i'm not saying it didnt take them a lot of courage and strength to come out at the time they did but "first openly gay man in world history"? really? in all of documented human history, from all over the world, there has never been an openly gay person before 1870? c'mon

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i rember when i tried to convince my high school friends to install signal. not even stop using whatsapp, just install signal. most of them never did, despite my pleading.

the solution was for me to go to a different university once i finshed highschool, find new friends who were cooler and leave the group chat and uninstall whatsapp.

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are you in the unoffcial 196 matrix space yet? https://matrix.to/#/#196-blahaj:catgirl.cloud

its cozy, community with some active users mrow

btw, do you know about xmpp yet? its like matrix but cooler~ but also its kind of a bit deserted ;w; maybe i should create a queer community there..

heyy, i created a queer xmpp community :33 xmpp:neonspacecafe@conference.trashserver.net?join

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i want the edit where instead of "A LIFE" the minion starts listing a bunch of floss and privacy focused communication platforms

  • briar

  • lemmy

  • matrix

  • misskey

  • signal

  • ...

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this is such bullshit. a complete destruction of the meaning of anti-semitism.

enbies drowned on the floor

all animal agriculture is inhumane and unethical.

all the labels only serve to easy ppls conscience. if someone wants to use their consume decisions to do something against animal suffering, they gotta stop buying

have fun pirating stuff with your subscription based torrent client, that communicates home and whose operators know your payment information ;w;

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i hate how negatively vegans are seen, when in reality, they usually get shat on by meat eaters just for eating their vegan stuff and minding their own buisness.

thats without them even saying anything about the horrors of animal agriculture and how it is bad to eat meat. if they attempt that, they already lost.

even vegans who are behaving like assholes arent too bad imo, after all they at least have a righteous cause and are standing up against the dominant culture, that has no regard for farm animals lifes.

i keep eating animal products just because its slightly easier or because i cant resist the slightly tastier products or because the selection is a bit bigger, despite knowing how bad that is. and i think i deserve to get shit from a vegan. after all i should do better and my excuses are nothing, if we consider what they are attempting to excuse.

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this is actually kinda horrifying

this is vewy mean!! :<

i know how to write propper pwogwams, oki!?

yeah, i might not punch my code into cards and i might need a compiler and interpreter, but i can make the computer say hello world in the console window as well!!

landlords are part of the issue. they dont simply provide a public service and get payed for their work and risk. they sit on a vital resource that ppl need to survive and exploit that. landlords, especially big ones, extort as much as they can, consitently raising rents without good reason, while doing even less than the minimum amount of work.

no one is saying that everyone should own their own house but the landlord/renting model is exploitative shit.

really most of capitalism is like that but ig we notice it more when its so close to us.

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eating squids is so disgusting leave them creatures alone

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