angry rUwUle

Roflmasterbigpimp@feddit.demod to – 98 points –

Context: The conservative Union parties CDU & CSU oppose the use of gender-inclusive language. The CSU has even banned its use in the state they govern (Bavaria) and urges parents and students to report teachers who violate this rule. For this reason, angry Germans are now changing the names of CDU/CSU offices on Google.

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i remember seeing an article saying that they forbit gender neutral language to stop language policing @w@

fucking freaks

No idea what they're thinking. It's really not that deep, say ":innen" or don't if you don't

The pathetic thing is that -/innen is still legal and even demanded by law. It's just a ban under penalty to replace the dash with something else. It's so laughably minor.

ppl will criticise or question you if u dont use genderneutral language tho, so by banning it, you make everyone behave as conservative as yourself and become normal again.

and ofc they hate it and dont want anyone to speak like that anyway. they are the language police