is there anyone who likes guys with boobs? no rule to – 59 points –

heyy 196, a friend is brainworming and thinks no one will be attracted to them, if they get boobs. they have a twinkish build and expect big boobs. what do y'all think?


I've had a few trans boyfriends, and I was still attracted to them when they took their binders off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also, there's nothing preventing them from stopping hormones if they start to grow bigger than they are comfortable with.

thank you, thats honestly what i thought.

they mainly take e for the emotional effect it has on them (i dont think thats why they started but its why they wont stop), so they dont have much controll over their breast growth

Generally you can get the emotional effects at a lower dose than would cause *extensive* breast growth. They could adjust dosages accordingly.

Boobs are boobs and boobs are hot...

That's pretty much it really. I'm attracted to boobs. The rest is circumstantial.

The percentage of the worlds population that does not like boobs is pretty small

Boob-having, guy-ish enby here.

They're totally gonna be attractive! Being an unusual type just means they're gonna get more double-takes from curious passers-by. Even ignoring the chasers, there's lots of folks who are into it!

I'm guessing the worry is about whether people will find them attractive in a boy way if they have big boobs. It might be about seeming too much like a woman if they have such noticeable boobs. There will obviously be people attracted to them, but will those people see their boobs as manly? The literal concern sounds like brainworms, but it seems motivated by dysphoria rather than dating options. That dysphoria doesn't seem based in reason, so it probably can't be reasoned away.

I've heard of treatments that interfere with breast growth, but I have no idea which ones or how effective they are. The acceptance route can have an effect, but if they feel really dysphoric about it, acceptance probably won't get them all the way.

i mean... if you find someone who loves you, they love you. not the meatsack that keeps changing over time anyways... if they want to get old with you, well... they will <3

For your consideration, I submit Gren from Cowboy Bepop, who many would say is attractive

I love guys with boobs! A lot of people must, there was actually an entire subreddit devoted to them lol