Need more queer communities online rule :3 to – 181 points –

doesn't necessarily have to be matrix, but something cool and avoiding enshittified platforms is ideal

also feel free to dm if u wanna be friends, need more of those too!


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are you in the unoffcial 196 matrix space yet?

its cozy, community with some active users mrow

btw, do you know about xmpp yet? its like matrix but cooler~ but also its kind of a bit deserted ;w; maybe i should create a queer community there..

heyy, i created a queer xmpp community :33

I'm on 196, although it's not very active ;v; haven't heard of xmpp, but I'd be willing to give it a try! how does it work? what's the difference between it and matrix?

its a different protocol. the user experienc eis similar to matrix but less polished. its a lot better with meta data and provacy tho, and more performant and less intense on servers, which i like