That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League

Dr. to – 138 points –
That's The End Of Activision Blizzard's $120 Million Overwatch League

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Miss you Jeff Kaplan

I mean I like Jeff but the OW1 eras of pretty bad gameplay and pretty long time waiting fixes happened on his watch. He designed a crazy fun game, but I think his stewardship in making it stay balanced and various and fun once you get good at it was a bit more lacking.

The PvE pipe dream was also a result of Kaplan's direction.

Yup. And Overwatch PVE has never been good... I know a lot of players were pumped for it, but we've never seen any evidence they had a good plan for how to make it fun. They had lots of zany ideas for powers and RPG elements and whatnot, but all the PVE content for Overwatch released so far has been mediocre-to-bad.

Imho telling the story through PVE has never been a good idea for OW. It's not a PVE game. Finding some way to tell the story in PVP, even with massive ludonarrative disconnect, would have been better.