Good Girl [she/they]

@Good Girl [she/they]
3 Post – 144 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


AFAIK you should be taking a baseline amount of hormones as the body needs it to function. Going without any hormone for too long can make you very sick, obvs talk to a doctor first.

To increase my social standing and get woke points and take over the united states and

Bisexuals are notoriously indecisive so if she takes longer than 3 seconds to answer she's your bisexual.

Get the fuck off your high horse

Question 1 - I think I understand the part where a person disagrees with the gender assigned to them at birth but when I see a transgender person, they seem to be striving to dress and look like the opposite gender.

You're sorta conflating gender expression with gender identity here. Gender expression is the outward way one presents to society. Your gender identity is part of how you relate to those around you and society at large. A good example is with cis male drag queens. In drag, they're presenting with a feminine gender expression, but they maintain their cis male gender identity.

What I mean by this is I rarely see a picture of a person choosing she/her but dressing and having hairstyles more associated with their assigned birth gender.

Further, with trans people, there's an extra layer of scrutiny from our transphobic society. Trans people are pressured to appear as though they fit a binary gender expression in order to be recognized as their gender identity. (This also extends to those who fall outside the binary, they are expected to display an androgynous gender expression)

However there definitely still are gender non-conforming (GNC) trans people, just as there are GNC cis people, despite those pressures.

Does this mean that although they were born with certain reproductive organs at birth normally associated with a particular gender, they feel that some part inside them(soul, mind, etc) feels they should have been born with the opposite socially constructed gender?

This one is kind of fuzzy, I think every trans person kind of feels their own unique way about it. For example, some trans women keep their genitalia as-is and some trans men are fine with keeping their breasts and these things may not cause them as much dysphoria as it might another trans person. There is also a social aspect to it, in that if one person wants to be perceived as one gender, they may also want their "expected" genitalia, post-puberty body, etc. Note that those who chose not to medically transition are just as trans as those who do.

My second question and this is where I swear I am not aiming to offend. I will try to explain what led me to this thought - When a person chooses to take hormones that their body doesn’t make on it’s own or chooses to have surgery to rebuild sexual organs that they weren’t born with or to add/remove breasts, Is this element of trans life considered a mental illness?

What you're describing are various steps of medical transition; to answer your question, no, medically transitioning is not a mental illness. There is mental illness in the trans experience however, and that is gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is the word for the mental, psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical pain, anguish, or torment trans people may feel prior to receiving gender affirming care. Gender affirming care is considered to be the cure for gender dysphoria and may come in different forms: it can be medical transition, social transition, a good support system, therapy, or any combination of these things and more.

The only reason I ask this is I remember watching a documentary where people lived a life in which they felt, for example, that one of their arms didn’t belong to them and they pursued surgery to have a working limb removed. During the documentary, some of the people during therapy and medication were able to change their mindset to the point that they could live with the offending limb but there were some people that were traveling to other countries to have it removed (the doc was based in the US and they couldn’t find a doctor to perform the surgery). The only reason I ask is because of that, My mind goes to body parts that the person doesn’t feel belongs but that they were born with and not something socially attached to them.

A better comparison would be if you had a third arm, or if you were short one arm due to a genetic anomaly or injury. You may feel social pressures that you may not fit in or maybe you feel body dysmorphia about your body being different from other people you identify with. You likely would want to seek care to more closely align your body to one that is socially expected.

Never feel bad about asking questions! You're making an attempt to learn and understand, and that's way more than some people (allies included) ever do.

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We get it you love doing an islamophobia and will jump at any opportunity to hate on it.

This isn't about islam right now bud, the topic's colonialism.

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When the people "against echo chambers" get pure concentrated dosages of echo chamber.

Contrary to popular belief cp77 was a good, albeit shallow, game if you weren't expecting a GTA clone even at launch.

Sorry but the reality is that pro-queer content is always going to be intertwined with politics. Especially trans positive stuff.

One of the most egregious examples I can think of from recent media was from Kimmy Schmidt where the people that take issue with trans/enbyphobia were turned into the butt of a joke because.... they're annoying I guess?

Came out of left field in a show I thought was queer friendly but I realized later on that it tracks with the brand of feminism that Tina Fey follows. (I never watched 30 Rock and don't intend to so I had no idea she was already problematic)

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Literally just self harm.

I know some people do it because they see even hurtful content as reaffirming. Some people do it as like a "call of the void" thing.

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Fuck off.

Genital preferences are valid as far as any preference for physical attributes but when you're reducing people to purely genitals it's gross and no respect needs to be given to the argument.

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This is such a stupid ass post. Nobody has to put up with the shitty viewpoints pushed by the mod or from people that would use the mod. Nobody owes you civility if you reveal you hold similar views or are okay with those views being pushed. Do not tolerate intolerance.

Fuck off, the topic has been hot in politics for ages, if you're still against trans people and fighting back against "pronouns" you've made your choice and know where you stand.

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You’re missing SO much but I get it’s popular to rag on Israel and the US right now

it’s popular to rag on Israel and the US right now

Where are you that this is a "popular" stance?

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That's weird because I saw more people make hating CP77 their personality after it launched.

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Just don't look at any comments.

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So basically I should steal until just before I hit felony level and then wait out the statue of limitations.

Got it.

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I just realized it's pinned. 0 self awareness.

This shit does not reflect well on the mods here. image

I'm sure when a cis guy murders another trans person under the "trans panic defense" the one news station reporting on it will put in the eulogy that "they were always civil and 'one of the good ones'" just after their deadname.

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The original comment literally boiled down to "boobs and vagina is woman, penis is man".

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This is a much better reply than that person deserved.

You're clearly in a very communicative relationship and regardless of what happens, I feel it's going to go well.

FWIW some people do report their anger and "competitive spirit" becomes less intense after going on HRT for a while. As well as other emotions becoming more intense and more "vibrant."

From my own experience, I definitely feel a bit more chill. I don't get aggravated as quickly, and when I do, it doesn't feel as intense or "hot" as it used to. This could be more that I don't have as big a hypothetical thorn in my side anymore from alleviating a bit of my dysphoria however. I do cry more easily now, and it feels a bit different when my emotions boil over to that point. It's more... even? Like the feelings are wider and more gradual or gentle instead of narrow and pointed and intense. Kind of an abstract way to put it I guess but that's how I visualize them.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Do you think that somehow being a trans woman makes you ineligible to be a parent as well? That a partner transitioning is always going to put some kind of unrecoverable hurdle in a relationship?

I’m fully supportive of people coming out and being more open and honest to themselves.

No you aren't. Fuck off LMFAO.

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Literally me rn... I was finishing up (and am still working on) a new keyboard and I got a sudden inspiration and I'm now designing a 2nd keyboard while still finishing up the first.

I cannot wait for clueless cishets to find this /c/ and complain that it's heterophobic

He disclosed his sexual preferences - women.

Genital preferences aren't sexual preferences. Genitals are like any other physical attribute. Nobody is saying you can't have a genital preference, that'd be like saying you can't prefer one hair color over another. The problem is genital preferences are widely used as a shield and a dog-whistle to discredit and derail discussions about trans people in a sexual context.

Gross ass comments about women aside (femininity = solely secondary sexual characteristics apparently), the problem people have with the original comment is that he doesn't see trans men as men, he literally admits to seeing them as women-lite. That's the problem.

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I guess my point is that a patriarchal society makes it difficult for men who don't actively pursue power over others to form relationships.

What's interesting is that this is a concept that's explored in trans-feminist theory. Trans women tend to hold male privilege pre-transition but never really cultivate it and transitioning opens their eyes and makes them acutely aware of their newfound lack of privilege. Male privilege doesn't just come from actively wielding power over others, it happens everywhere all the time. As the other commenter said, even if you tried to avoid it actively in your life, male privilege and the patriarchal society we live in likely contributed to you entering a career in a STEM field and potentially even opened doors for you that may not have been there for you if you were born female because of a 3rd party's views on women in STEM.

Is this a joke i'm missing or

I get why a lot of trans people have bad vibes about the word, but a good amount of trans people like the term as a way to describe their physical trans-ness. It's especially common with older trans folks as well as in literature, medical and otherwise.

This is a little sensationalized, $40 is a lot, and it's more than past season pass ultimate bundles, but it's not just one skin for $40 like a lot of people want you to believe.

Is it shitty that the only way to get the skin is through the bundle? Undoubtedly, but it's not any worse than the industry standard.

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Yeah I wonder where that came from. It's not like the "genital preferences" discussion is preamble to the "not disclosing your trans/genital status is tantamount to rape" discussion. NOPE NO SIREE.

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Check your modlog it ain't that hard

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This is such a complicated question I feel you may as well have asked 'What makes a woman/man'.

I guess, to me - femininity means being allowed access to my own vulnerability, to be allowed (or to be expected societally) to emphasize appearance, to be expected to appear frail or to take up little space.

However I also understand that these things are more or less just bullshit societal expectations, and that feminine women and feminine people in general are allowed to be loud, brash, messy, and strong individuals.

But to me femininity is the performance I feel pressured to act out in order to be seen the way I want to be seen. Maybe in the future my perspective will change, but at this moment I personally do not feel 'allowed' to be my rightful gender unless I perform the way I'm expected to perform.

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Why was "adhd" censored from the original image?

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What's wrong with you?

You understand it's a spectrum but you're claiming that unless someone needs heavy support they're faking it? Fuck any diagnosed kids then if they're not heavily autistic.

It's literally this attitude that keeps so many people from getting a diagnosis and receiving any help they might need. This attitude makes people think "Oh im not the perfect model *insert neurodivergency*, I don't want to take away resources from anyone else, I'll just cope for the rest of my life and go on living like this wondering why I feel so different than other people"

Respectfully, fuck you.

Actually fuck that you don't deserve my respect.

The meme you're responding to exists because of your attitude and people like you.

I guess if every ADHD symptom is continued to be downplayed as "everyone does this," then no, it's not exclusively an ADHD thing

You seem well meaning, but this feels dismissive and op specifically requested engagement from transfemmes on hrt.

If you figure it out, let me know. I'm a golden retriever girlfriend who falls in love way too quick with anyone and everyone.

Joking aside, it's the feeling of camaraderie vs desire for intimacy for me, i think.

Ideally, this would have been better to discuss before kids

Ideally OP would have transitioned at the earliest possible moment in her life, arguing over windows of opportunity is pointless.

If OP continues to repress and her mental health drops further because of it, that's going to affect her relationship as well. OP seems to feel that this is a good moment to come out to her wife, so I'm going to side with her over some unrelated cis people.