Vatican says it's permissible for transgender Catholics to be baptized to – 237 points –
Vatican steps closer to allowing transgender Catholics to be baptized

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Not surprising. Religious people have a problem acknowledging reality as well, LMAO.

Not surprising. Religious people have a problem acknowledging reality as well, LMAO.

I'm always a little confused by people who seem to think that the reality of biological sex is some sort of profound argument that precludes the social construct of gender. Indeed, the definition of "transgender" essentially requires the factual nature of biological sex, or there would be nothing to be across from.

They know. The difference between sex and gender has been explained to the point of nausea. They are over simplifying on purpose; if you are willing to lie to make your point, there is no bottom to how simple you can make your argument, while the truth has a lower limit on simplicity.

Thank you for the share, that is an EXCELLENT video. Gonna have to hear more from this channel!

He's got a lot of great points. Even when you know the subject already, he often has a perspective on it you might not have considered.