'A complete failure': Senate Republicans on a punishing election night

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 257 points –
'A complete failure': Senate Republicans on a punishing election night

Senate Republicans on Wednesday took a hard look at Tuesday night's punishing election results in some key battleground states, and they're not pleased with what they're seeing.

"Yesterday to me was a complete failure," said Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina.

Republicans were handed a string of rebukes, from red-state Kentucky's projected move to reelect Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear to Virginia projected to elect Democratic majorities in both chambers of its state Legislature, likely thwarting GOP Gov. Glenn Youngkin's election promise to enact a 15-week abortion ban.


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I agree absolutely, healthcare choices are a very personal matter and should never be restricted or abolished. People don't have abortions because they want to murder kids; they have them because of personal healthcare issues and complications that often arise. Even nature itself causes spontaneous abortion, quite often in fact. So for any group of men to delude themselves that they are morally superior for taking abortion off the table is not just ludicrous but in fact as immoral and unnatural as anything people can ever do.

Yea right, the only moral failing involved is the one where people try to use their random sky daddy beliefs to dictate other people’s personal choices and actions.

That is a huge moral and humanitarian failing, I agree completely.