Free software in education will take a step back -- republicans are going after school board positions nationwide in the US to Free and Open Source – 69 points –

Since last year, republicans have launched a campaign to get conservatives on school boards. This is the political party in the US who favors privatization of everything. They are sympathetic to giant corporations and champion #citizensUnited (which elevates corporations above humans). #Ohio has a large number of extremists intending to take school board positions.

I don’t get the impression #FOSS orgs like #FSF are paying attention. The FOSS movement stands to lose some ground here. #FreeSoftware in education is important and FSF does not even have a campaign for it on their website.


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Thats a stretch. You have any ya know sources on that or just pulling it out of your ass.

Source was included in OPs post, not sure of the reasoning behind putting it through the wayback machine, but to each their own. There's a few more links within the article with other details.

The spreadsheet linked in the post is a bit weird but also has a lot of other interesting supporting details.

#Apnews is Tor-hostile. I do not support excluding people so I shared a link that is open to the public and inclusive.

If AP News would have also blocked (thus public libraries) then I would not have shared the link at all — out of respect for #netneutrality (access equality).

Usually people put links to sites they don't want to support in archive, so that the sites are deprived of traffic, leading to a reduction (albiet small) in ad revenue and possible paywall popups

I was more interested in the blatent political attack that some conservatives hurt foss in education.

It's to avoid trackers and/or paywalls, and also to preserve it just in case. But yes, to each their own.