You’re more likely to go to prison for exposing animal cruelty than for committing it to politics – 863 points –
You’re more likely to go to prison for exposing animal cruelty than for committing it

Not really sure what to put here...I usually put relevant excerpts, but that got this post deleted for doing that


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Seems like the next option is to arrange for mass arrests in a very public direct action. Massively overflow the jail in that judge's district with animal rights activists until they're forced to dismiss the cases.

There's no way this can backfire.

For profit prison companies:

Rubbing their hands together like an oldschool nintendo villain

direct action with the goal of filling jails has a long and very successful history, going back AT LEAST to the IWW Free Speech Fights. It also saw widespread success during the fight for Civil Rights.

Can you bring up an example that wasn't 50+ years ago?

There hasn't been any "fill the jail" protests in the US since the civil rights movement due to the demonization of getting arrested. However, a protest like that has been occurring in Pakistan