Child psychiatrist jailed after using AI to make pornographic deep-fakes of kids

Lee to – 447 points –
Psychiatrist jailed over AI-made child sex abuse imagery

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Here's a piece of art by Balthus. It's of a young girl in a skirt, leg hiked up and you can see her underpants:

This piece controversial, but evocative, thought-provoking and says something about an innocent time in our youth and the change of demeanor sexuality brings when we become aware.

People may not like this, but if you can separate sexuality and understand that we were once "innocent" - meaning sex wasn't something we knew about, we just had these bodies we were told to hide in clothes, the painting takes on a whole new meaning.

I'm not advocating for fake cheese pizza photos, fuck those sickos, but art can appear to be one thing on first glance and then take on a new meaning as we study and understand more.