'No Possibility' of Gaza Cease-Fire, Biden Says as 500+ Former Staffers Demand One

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 230 points –
'No Possibility' of Gaza Cease-Fire, Biden Says as 500+ Former Staffers Demand One

"As the president of the United States, you have power to change the course of history, and the responsibility to save lives right now," the staffers wrote.


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Biden did not cause the problems in Gaza, what are you on about? He's not the one in charge of Israel's actions. I am not a fan of him or a fan of sending aid to them, but this is just overdramatic.

On top of that, if people didn't vote for Biden then we would have Trump doing the same plus a bunch of other worse shit on top of that. We have two choices everytime. All people can do is vote for the lesser of two evils and that's what they did. If you wanna throw away your vote and help the objectively worse party win a presidential election again, that's on you, but most sensible people understand the choice we are forced to make thanks to our shitty system.

Biden did not cause the problems in Gaza, what are you on about? He's not the one in charge of Israel's actions. I am not a fan of him or a fan of sending aid to them, but this is just overdramatic.

No, he's just the one supporting funding and arming Israel no matter what they do for decades and voting for him continued to enable Israel which inevitably led to this moment we're at now.

On top of that, if people didn't vote for Biden then we would have Trump doing the same plus a bunch of other worse shit on top of that. We have two choices everytime. All people can do is vote for the lesser of two evils and that's what they did. If you wanna throw away your vote and help the objectively worse party win a presidential election again, that's on you, but most sensible people understand the choice we are forced to make thanks to our shitty system.



the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.

The choice to vote for Biden is linked to the choice to vote against Trump. They can not be separated from one another. To do so is to be disingenuous. We live in a democracy with a two party system. The Republican party is disproportionally represented by our electoral system and win with low voter turn out.

Since we can not separate the choice of voting for Biden and rejecting Trump, it is justified to bring up what Trump and the Republicans would do. If we want any chance of the US demanding a ceasefire then we need to reject the Republican party who will blindly support Israeli no mater what.

You got what you voted for then. A whopping 4-hour daily ceasefire.

Thanks for voting!

I also avoided another disastrous four years under Trump. I can live with the choice to vote for Biden because everyone in the world will be worse off under Trump. So, you're welcome.

Yeah, it could be worse for those maimed Palestinian kids. They could be dead, like those other Palestinian kids. Great trade.

Trump would have enabled and emboldened Israel's government to kill more Palestinians. That would have been a worse outcome. There is no such thing as rock bottom. It can always get worse.

So how many murdered Palestinians are an acceptable amount for you?

Certainly not 11 thousand. Why are more murdered Palestinians acceptable to you? Do you seriously think you're going to guilt trip people into getting more people killed?

Rather, it was supporters of Biden trying to guilt trip everyone into voting for him and now we see the consequence of it. You either voted or are defending those who voted for genocide, I haven't done either. Next time I hope no one supporting Biden will feel morally superior to those who do not feel they can willingly support this kind of policy which only enables the freefall toward fascism both domestically and abroad.

If people like you feel comfortable with your choice in voluntarily voting for genocide-lite and will vote for it again, then I am just simply reminding you of the blood on your privileged hands. Deep down you know it is true.

The only one who feels morally superior here is you. I implore you to reconsider. By not voting for Biden you are enabling a Republcian lead christofascist take over of the United States. Once the US becomes a fascist dictatorship it will support the fascist takeovers that are happening in Israel and India. Millions of muslims will die all over the world as a result. It's not about being morally superior, it's about avoiding firing squads killing all of us. Please get out of whatever echo chamber you're stuck in. It's going to get us all killed. edit: typo

Ah, yes, it's only my imagination and projection that Democrats were drunk with feelings of moral superiority in the last two elections.

What has Biden done to prevent fascism spreading domestically and abroad? How has Biden stopped the death squads of the IDF killing Muslims right now? When has Biden protected Americans from the Christofascist Supreme Court? How is it worth voting to support genocide to protect a so-called 'democracy' when the choice, according to you, is a fascist-enabler and a fascist? When is it worth families being murdered to make you feel safe?

Apologies but you are the one in the echo chamber. Our path is inevitable.

Ah, yes, it’s only my imagination and projection that Democrats were drunk with feelings of moral superiority in the last two elections.


Apologies but you are the one in the echo chamber. Our path is inevitable.

You are in echo chamber. We have a chance to avoid disaster but only if we vote the Republican fascists out.

What has Biden done to prevent fascism spreading domestically and abroad? How has Biden stopped the death squads of the IDF killing Muslims right now? When has Biden protected Americans from the Christofascist Supreme Court? How is it worth voting to support genocide to protect a so-called ‘democracy’ when the choice, according to you, is a fascist-enabler and a fascist? When is it worth families being murdered to make you feel safe?

Biden kept us in NATO and is supporting Ukraine. Biden appointed a progress supreme court judge, which is all he can do until more supreme court judges die of old age. Biden has gotten the current events in the Israel-Palestine conflict wrong, but that does not make him a fascist enabler or a fascist. Biden wanted Israel to defend itself from Hamas and minimize civilian casualties. He didn't tell Israel to commit war crimes.

Trump is a fascist and a fascist enabler. More families will be murdered under him. I feel safer knowing he isn't in the White House, instructing Israel to commit war crimes. The difference is millions of lives.

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