Democratic Staffers Told To Let Constant Calls For Cease-Fire ‘Go To Voicemail’ to – 365 points –
Democratic Staffers Told To Let Constant Calls For Cease-Fire ‘Go To Voicemail’

Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.


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I think this response is why there's so little productive dialogue out there. Everybody is too deeply entrenched.

No, this is very productive... more and more people in the world are seeing the monstrosity the west has created in Israel - even USians are waking up to it.

You're not bemoaning a lack of "productivity" - you are bemoaning the fact that the propaganda shielding Israel which has been preventing "productivity" for the last seventy years is starting to implode.


Just as I was starting to take you seriously,,,,

You do know that "America" doesn't stop at the Mexican border, right?

I know that the "United States of America" is the only country with the word "America" in its name. I know that the "United Mexican States" also has the words "united" and states" in its name -- are Mexicans "USians" too?

I know that most Mexicans, by default, refer to people from the United States as "Americanos." I know that most Canadians are quite happy not to be confused with the "Americans" from south of their border.

I know that people from the United States of America have been referred to as "Americans" for over 200 years. I know that when someone makes it a point to start calling someone else by a different name than the one that's preferred, that person is usually pushing some outside agenda and should not be taken seriously in the conversation at-hand.

TL;DR: What does any of this have to do with your point about Israel and Gaza?

Mexicans, by default, refer to people from the United States as “Americanos.”

Oh, I've heard them refer to you by plenty of terms.

America have been referred to as “Americans” for over 200 years

By whom? Your fellow colonialists? Lol!

What does any of this have to do with your point about Israel and Gaza?

You're the one that went on this little tangent because somebody referred to you by a term you don't approve of, USian - you tell me?

Yet you still don't seem to understand why a serious person might hesitate to take you seriously?

Yet you still don’t seem to understand why a serious person

If I run into a serious person I'll ask them about it.

I don't directly have a dog in this fight, and I could never hope to properly untangle the moral standing of each side. At best I can comment on what I see as the obvious righteous mess that it has become.

Those who are entrenched in their positions and have resorted to slinging labels or using pejoritaves don't move others closer to their positions, they move them further. That is what I mean by unproductive.

But I can comment on why the elected American representatives may be letting calls go to voicemail in regards to a ceasefire. Since the beginning of time as we know it, the winner of a conflict writes the history book, and Hamas doesn't have enough apparent support to emerge from this still controlling Gaza.

I can imagine an American calculus that history will blame Hamas for the unnecessary deaths, and another few months of not changing the stance on Israel's strategy will not impact the rest of the course of world affairs in any other significant way.

That is what I mean by unproductive.

The "marketplace of ideas" is a thoroughly debunked idea, Clyde - only the most desperate liberals cling to it these days.

the winner of a conflict writes the history book, and Hamas

The entire propaganda model that the US and Europe has spent untold treasure propping up for the last fifty years or so to protect their little white supremacist "fortress state" in the middle-east is falling apart right in front of our eyes... and there's absolutely nothing that the (so-called) "west" can do to reverse that now.

This would not have happened were it not for Hamas' attack.

They don't get to write the history books in whatever way they see fit any more - those days are long gone. Any historian that pretends US hegemony in the middle-east hasn't been significantly weakened due to the (so-called) "War On Terror" isn't one that's going to be taken very seriously.