Palestinians Sue Biden for Failing to Prevent Genocide in Gaza to World – 75 points –
Palestinians Sue Biden for Failing to Prevent Genocide in Gaza

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Do you know the original quote, in arab, and its literal translation? The original version states: palestine will be arab, not free. It’s a hate slogan, diluted so that dumb westerners will parrot it.

Be smarter

I made a good faith effort to research this claim you made but I couldn't find anything other than a reddit post making the same claim. Where did you hear this? Also, how would it be relevant to anything I've linked or said?

I’m looking for a source and can’t find anything high quality enough for now. I thought this was common knowledge, since it’s being chanted during protests in arabic all around the world.

Then, I’m sorry for the harsh tone, not every one understands arabic.

I don't understand any dialect of arabic. If you are a Palestinian arabic speaker, can you explain how Wikipedia's direct translation of "from the water to the water" is misleading?

I’m no expert in Palestinian Arabic sorry, and relied on a friend for the exact translation