Breaking: Supreme Court Shoots Down Affirmative Action. to World – 41 points –

Affirmative Action has now ended in the United States.


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While AA is not a good remedy, I wish that shooting it down would have come with some better solutions attached.

The supreme court can't make policy they can only declare policy actions made by others as unconstitutional. There would need to be a bill from congress with solutions...

This is perhaps the most significant indicator of bad faith decisions by conservatives.

It's like gun regulation. A functioning, pro gun, political party would propose gun control regulations which achieve and addresses concerns, while maintaining and satisfying the fundamentals of gun ownership. Advocacy groups, like the NRA, would then have involvement and assurance. They shouldn't instead advocate for no solution whatsoever: The only possible result of which will be an eventual critical anti gun majority with following blanket fire arm bans. Or occasional, disruptive bans on specific weapons.