How do I deal with "fractured" communities? to – 18 points –

One of the biggest issues I'm having trouble getting past with Lemmy is not knowing which communities to subscribe to.

An example, if there are like 10+ different communities for "technology", do I really have to subscribe to all of them just to get the same experience I would have gotten on /r/technology?

Is there a way to "clump" these communities together so I can just subscribe to one "multi-community" that houses the posts from all of them?


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I hope that with future versions of lemmy they can create "lists" that people can subscribe to that will do this.

or at least let you add communities to your own lists that do that.

How is that different from how subscriptions work now, other than adding one more thing to click to get to your "list" to add a subscription?

You could group them and look at everything "outdoors" related from multiple communities in a single feed.

Yeah, that would be cool. Right now we only have 3 options: All, Local, or Subscribed. I'd love a submenu that let me generate an individualized feed based on multiple subscriptions that I grouped together, and also let me name & save these feeds.