
3 Post – 9 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You could group them and look at everything "outdoors" related from multiple communities in a single feed.

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I've been using the Beta for a while and it is a very refreshing upgrade for a lot of the menus. Also the pinned notes is awesome.

I hope that with future versions of lemmy they can create "lists" that people can subscribe to that will do this.

or at least let you add communities to your own lists that do that.

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If you can wait a bit you can get sync for lemmy.

I think it depends on the game and community migration from reddit.

Deep Rock Galactic and Hunt: Showdown both seem to be picking up steam on their own communities in the fediverse.

I am on lemmy.world and can see it

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In order to subscribe to another instances communities you still need to be on your community. For example if you click a link that takes you to https://lemmy.ml/c/announcements it will take you to lemmy.ml where you are not logged in, however if you click on the community name is a post that shows up in your feed, you will browse that community FROM lemmy.world.

You could also browse like this:


Not at this point. Unless you run your own instance.

I completely agree. I can suggest this instance and know that most people will find a place and have a similar experience.