Nikki Haley walks back her demand that social media ban anonymous posters after facing GOP backlash

rob299@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to – 308 points –
Nikki Haley walks back her demand that social media ban anonymous posters after facing GOP backlash

Sounds like ones demands have changed, or atleast they got a hold of themselves. whatever lead to them walking back on this, it's the end of another battle for internet privacy, but not the end of the war. As apps continue to track you in new mysterious ways behind their closed sourced software, and the governments continue to crack down on encryption. Anonymous names are important for privacy too.


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I thought this was extra rich coming from the woman who won't even use her real first name (Nimarata) because she fears backlash among her racist, shitbag supporters.

Just like Rafael, I mean Ted Cruz. Who's actually Canadian. Can you take him back Canada? Please?

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