Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free!

Moonrise2473@feddit.it to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 965 points –

Exciting news for who? Only the site owner is excited that a free resource now requires a subscription

"Yay! Now I have to pay another subscription! I'm so excited! Let's celebrate with them!" - nobody


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I think it goes from 20 to 5. 10 if you're not anonymous. To get more you need to have contributed to the site, monetarily or other wise.

The minimum for anonymous is 10/day. If you sign up and do nothing else it's 20.

If you sign up and upload a single file it goes to 50. If you upload 51 subtitles it's 100. If you upload 101 or more it goes to 200, and if you upload 1001 it goes up to 300.

If you pay $15/year it's 1000

This is still reasonable IMO, unless people are binge watching a Netflix release in the entire day they can wait for the next day to download subs.