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Using numbered lists is a common tactic in debates and other public speaking when you have prepared talking points you want to hit.

Basically it's a mnemonic technique to help make sure you list all of your best points/pieces of evidence. You list them in the same order every time so that to recall the next point on the list you just need to remember the overall topic and the number that you're on. That way it's easier to contextualize the memory and retrieve it consistently.

The grand hilbert hotel is a metaphor about infinity. If a hotel has an infinite number of rooms, it will have enough room for him. If every room is full, they can all still move up by one room number. Infinity means you can always shift everyone up by 1 room number.

The ship of theseus is a philosophical question about whether it's still the same ship after having every board and nail in it replaced over centuries of repairs gradually replacing all of its parts.

Asking if Sisyphus is happy is a reference to a famous Albert Camus (French absurdist philosopher) quote "One must imagine Sisyphus happy"

I use unpackerr combined with sonarr/radarr and it definitely covers 1 and 2

So first of all, you shouldn't involve yourself in your friend's business. Fraud is generally frowned upon.

But secondly, you know that ChatGPT was trained on the entire internet, right? Like, every book. I don't think "more books" is gonna help.

I hope you take your computer skills and make something of yourself. Try not to get any more involved in this scheme, seriously. You don't need this crap marring your reputation.

Besides, there are better reasons/ways to fight the system than helping other people avoid learning.

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I mean, opensubtitles still works fine

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Yeah, I mean I use them with Bazarr, so I don't deal with their UI, it's all automated. I'm not saying they're convenient, but it is public and widely used, so if your goal is your subtitles helping others, it's a good option.

Can confirm AirVPN works

I was making 2 separate statements. 1. I agreed with the previous comment, 2. I opined that all Arthropods are bugs.

"Bug" is a colloquial term, so I was stating my personal, broader definition

We'll have to agree to disagree there.

It's cool, you're sleepy. We get it

I had a SPECT scan done once at an Amen clinic.

Didn't really help anything besides give cool pictures of my brain. Turns out my brain is the only hyperactive part of me (SPECT shows bloodflow in the brain and mine was way more active than most). It was neat I guess, but I already had been diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type, so it ended up just being expensive and not really helpful. My mom was happy about it though, so there's that.

I wouldn't recommend it. They need to inject you with a radioactive isotope for your blood to show up in the scans. Supposedly it's not much worse than a couple of X-rays, but still.

The new API has the exact same free limit. They're just dropping support for the old API soon and people who want to depend on the old version will need to pay for its continued support because they want to push everyone onto the new site/API

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The math is true and that's a real photo? I think it's an anti-joke

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That's a female cat. Calico cats are exclusively female, barring cats with extra chromosomes which are extremely rare.

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Care to elaborate, for those not as experienced as soldering? This isn't the most relatable post without some additional context.

For instance, my only experience soldering is with audio equipment (think wires and potentiometers), never with PCBs and I have no clue what you mean.

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It's generally much better to use HeroicGamesLauncher IMO

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Good luck with that! I'm excited to see the fireworks as their brand-new mod teams use their brand-new mod tools right as they go public. Should be quite a show.

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It sounds like you've developed depression and it's making your ADHD symptoms worse.

See a therapist if you can afford it, or at least a regular doctor and get some antidepressants

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I hang it under so that my cats can't unravel it easily

EDIT: I will never know why this received a downvote.

Are practical adjustments in order to keep your cat from shredding/eating toilet paper so wrong?

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While it's a good solution, it is entirely untrue. A message is either End to End Encrypted or it is not. If the message is decrypted at any point between the sender and the intended recipient, it is definitively not End to End Encrypted.

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Got mine in August. Whatever, I'm happy with it. Fantastic controls

We're not locked in for the next 20 years. Not for the next 10.

The carbon in the atmosphere is going to be there for the next millenium and the temperature won't level out till the 2100s if we stopped all carbon emission right this second.

Furthermore, if we did stop all emissions right now, the planet would get 0.5-1.5 °C hotter within a year or two due to the end of the aerosol pollution cooling effect that's been cutting the effects of carbon induced climate change in half this whole time.

This year is so hot because they put limitations on sulfur emissions from shipping boats in the Pacific. Those emissions were cooling the atmosphere, but the aerosol emissions (which that sulfur is one of) only last in the atmosphere for about 2 weeks before they're rained out of the air.

We're fucked.

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ChatGPT is a fantastic tutor. Even if it doesn't know already, you can copy a dense technical document and paste it into the chat, then ask it questions in plain english in subsequent messages

You might be better off getting an Android tablet and installing Linux on top of Android.

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There's a benefit to Canonical, the corp that maintains Ubuntu, which is that while snaps are open source tech, the server for the snap store is closed source and snap can't be configured to point at another store.

In other words, it's about centralized control.

There are some advantages to the tech itself, like live auto-updating, which is good for security-critical server apps, but over all I'm not a fan.

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It used to be entirely free and the vast majority of its tablature was uploaded by community members for free.

The app used to be a one-time purchase. Thankfully I did purchase it back then and they grandfathered me in with a lifetime pro membership, but I can't blame the people who would never want to use the site/app when they've effectively paywalled a ton of community content.

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Do you think that being laid off is a good thing?

The employees are suffering the negative consequences of the leadership's piss-poor decisionmaking, that was their point. Leadership hasn't seen any turnover or resignations, to my knowledge.

Is it so wrong in your mind to expect a little personal responsibility? Or do you find it just that leadership can fuck up consequence-free and shitcan others for their failures?

If that's how you'd run your company, I'd run the other way as both a worker and a consumer.

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I think this approach is doomed. People only care about Mozilla because of Firefox and Firefox is falling behind again, no doubt coinciding with the mass layoffs and the ejection of the Servo engine. They've caught up with Chrome on most fronts a year or three ago when their reinvented CSS and layout engine was released, but they're still on the back foot these days.

This is incorrect. Firefox recently surpassed Chrome in a key benchmark and has generally been on a roll lately.

Yes, their current iterative improvements are not as sexy as the big release of Quantum, but to say they're currently falling behind is the opposite of the truth. They've just pulled ahead.

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About goddamned time

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Factorio ought to keep you busy for about 500 hours even without mods

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Does he not realize that Biden could have him assassinated if it passed?

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Considering the developers speak Japanese, I highly doubt that

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I mean, sometimes it's that and other times it's just that the "stupid" feature was actually in high demand.

Yeah, I guess people raised by cat breeders are pretty rare.

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Fuck that, I don't want my boss coming into my house through a teleporter.

So many employers act like they own their employees as it is.

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Wefwef supports this. It's quite nice.

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Personally I have a secondary external SSD I use for my cache and transcode directories so that my transcodes aren't throttled by being read from and written to the same disk.

Also of note is that Jellyfin does have a cron job built into it to clear the transcodes directory. You can see it under Dashboard -> Scheduled Tasks -> Clean Transcode Directory. I have mine set to run every 24 hours.

Easy, the guy who wanted to make this truck has never worked a day in his life.

Well this is awk-ward

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Only if you support China blindly.

I'm a socialist and I have many issues with the take that China does no wrong.

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