Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla to – 161 points –
Firefox Money: Investigating the bizarre finances of Mozilla

The author may be a right-wing fellow. Nonetheless, the data he exposes are taken from official Mozilla docs.


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I think this approach is doomed. People only care about Mozilla because of Firefox and Firefox is falling behind again, no doubt coinciding with the mass layoffs and the ejection of the Servo engine. They've caught up with Chrome on most fronts a year or three ago when their reinvented CSS and layout engine was released, but they're still on the back foot these days.

This is incorrect. Firefox recently surpassed Chrome in a key benchmark and has generally been on a roll lately.

Yes, their current iterative improvements are not as sexy as the big release of Quantum, but to say they're currently falling behind is the opposite of the truth. They've just pulled ahead.

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This is not correct. shows very clearly that although chrome beats firefox in some benchmarks, firefox trades blows with it and is similar to or faster in others.

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Chrome also boasts about having the best performance.

Meanwhile, in the real world, running the two side-by-side tends to spell a whole different picture.

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