The homewrecker

The Picard to – 855 points –

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That's a female cat. Calico cats are exclusively female, barring cats with extra chromosomes which are extremely rare.

That's probably a female cat.

Fixed it for you.

Somewhat related: here's a pic of my calico Emily looking like she's drunkenly threatening to punch me

I stated the exception to the rule in my own comment, I'm just not gonna hedge my bets when the odds are 99.967% in my favor.

Thanks for the adorable photo!

Edited my original comment to reflect your getting it right the second time 😁

You're welcome for the pic, here's one of her Tortie (also almost always female since it's the same gene) sister Charlotte ALSO napping in wicker. They really enjoy wicker 😁🥰

ur extremely rare

Yeah, I guess people raised by cat breeders are pretty rare.

I learned this from anime

Extremely rare doesn't mean impossible

They're mostly female but not all female

I didn't say it was impossible.

That said, if somebody gave me the option to bet on a calico cat being female, I would always take that bet because I'd only be wrong about one in three thousand times (0.03333...% of the time) if the cat was randomly selected, whereas other coat colors it'd be 50-50.

But you did say exclusively which implies that it would be only female. Which is just inaccurate.

Generally if people offer such a bet on a rare event they know something you don't

What do you think the word "exclusively" means?

What do you think the word "barring" means? My original comment noted the sole exceptional case.

Would someone really do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?

Are you sure that isn't just a birman that was born with a simple congenital deformity of that part of its face?

My understanding is that the X chromosome carries the gene for red cat fur. Female calicos have one X with the red fur gene and one without. If a cat only has X chromosomes that carry the red fur gene, they'll be an red-furred cat, which is why the only male calicos are XXY. An XY male cat with the red fur gene on their X chromosome just comes out red.

I don't see how some separate "simple congenital deformity" other than an extra X could account for red fur.

I could be wrong, I'm not a cat scientist, I just grew up knowing hundreds of cats.

I'm not sure myself. I just recognized the coat (other than the crest on the face) being close to a birman and was thinking either a mix or a defect.

You're right but I don't think that's a calico.