TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion

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TikTok Says It's Not the Algorithm, Teens Are Just Pro-Palestine

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.


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Hamas is using hospitals as staging grounds to fire rockets at Israel, over 9,500 rockets so far since Oct 7th.

The hostage exchange was for a ceasefire that Hamas wanted so they could regroup and start attacking Israel from stronger positions. And they only offered 15 of the 200+ hostages. It was fucking bullshit, and Israel was right to reject it.

We know Hamas fighters have been using the hospitals to stage rocket attacks, and fire out of. Whether there is an actual base of operations hidden in them is beyond the point, Hamas uses civilian infrastructure to fire at Israel from. They have said as much, they fight from among civilians to get Israel to kill civilians so Israel looks bad to the world. It's how Hamas operates.

where is your citation?

edit: even if there is, that does not justify the shelling of hospitals by the IDF

There was an article on the active page of Lemmy yesterday with confirmation of Hamas fighting from a major hospital.

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We don't know that, that's just what Israel claims. Israel is known to lie about that stuff.

There is video of weapons fire coming from hospitals, so we do have that.

And Hamas is constantly lying too, yet everyone on this site seems to eat up everything they say.

Hamas has not lied as blatantly as Israel. The death tolls they have reported have typically been corroborated by later independent sources.

What does weapons fire actually imply in a territory subjected to constant bombing and siege warfare? It's not like hospitals are safe from bombings and other attacks, so being armed in a gaza hospital is simply the intelligent thing to do

Most independent sources I've seen reporting on numbers have been Palestinians. The UN is not reporting on casualties because it cannot verify any of the claimed numbers.

And Hamas lied about 500 Palestinians being killed in one attack on a hospital by Israel, except it turned out that attack was actually Islamic Jihadists misfiring, and nowhere near 500 people died.

Hamas verifiably made up that 5% of the casualties in this war, so no, you shouldn't believe the rest of their numbers.

And Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into Israeli territory since Oct. 7th, that goes beyond defending yourself in a hospital.

And the bombing and siege warfare started after Hamas invaded Israel, killed over a thousand civilians, and fired thousands of rockets at Israeli cities.

Pretty sure that attack was actually done by Israel, if we are talking about the same thing. Hamas fired thousands of rockets because Israel is genociding them, essentially via siege warfare. The media simply decided not to cover all of the preceding heinous shit Israel did to provoke it, because the capitalist class owns the media. You should really start verifying the truth of random news stories you read, because it sounds like you believe the myth being spread by Western media that Israel is the good guy. Israel is committing genocide, and so it really doesn't matter at all what Hamas or Palestine has done in response.

No, that attack was confirmed to be Islamic Jihadists, and it was confirmed Hamas lied.

And your forgetting all the heinous shit Palestine did to make Israel like it is today, like trying to wipe out all the Jews as soon as Israel was formed, launching another war against them in 1967, 30 years of having a government that wanted Israel wiped out as their second charter.

There are no good guys, but Hamas are terrorists and need to be wiped out.

Israel is the one actively colonizing palestine's land. Israel is the one holding a 30 year siege. Israel is targeting civilians, as shown by the civilian death tolls on each side. Israel is doing all they can to torture and kill Palestinians. Dead palestinians outnumber dead Israelis 10 to 1.

Palestine is good because they are killing genociders, just like the allies were good in WW2. Israel is evil. It's not complicated.

Jews are indigenous to that land as well, so no they aren't colonizing it, they are living in their homeland.

Hamas is targeting civilians, or are you forgetting the 1,400 Israeli civilians killed on Oct 7th, and hundreds taken hostages, not to mention the thousands of rockets fired before and since Oct. 7th at Israeli civilians.

The only reason more Palestinian civilians have died is not for lack of Hamas trying. Israel is just better at defending the own people than Hamas is.

Hamas is actively trying to genocide Israelis. Hamas is evil, it's not complicated.

No, you're wrong. Stating it again and again won't change that. They are in fact colonizing palestinian land, just look at their maps that claim it as theirs. At this point I have to assume you're either trolling me, or you're wildly misinformed. Either way, I suggest you go read some articles about this. Literally everything you've said is incorrect.

Palestine didn't exist as a state and never did until the same time as Israel. That land was part of the Ottoman empire, and then the British mandate. before that it was controlled by various empires throughout history. Both the Palestinians and Israelis are indigenous to that land, and if Palestine and other Arab nations hadn't tried to wipe out the Jews in 1948 the moment Israel was established, maybe Israel wouldn't be trying to take what's left of Palestine.

And no, I'm not trolling you, I think you're an idiot.

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