H.S. football coach is fired after holding a baptism for players after practice

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 259 points –
H.S. football coach is fired after holding a baptism for players after practice

A Georgia high school football coach who was criticized for holding a baptism on school grounds for some of his players has been fired weeks later.

Superintendent Kristen Waters said this week that the coach was dismissed from coaching Tattnall County High School for reasons unrelated to the baptism, but for an incident after a Nov. 3 game. She did not provide further details.

"The safety and security of our students is paramount to Tattnall County Board of Education," Waters said in a statement to NBC affiliate WSAV of Savannah. "Based on the outcome of an investigation into an incident that occurred Friday night, November 3rd while traveling after the football game, the District decided that it would seek a Head football coach that aligned with the best interests of the students."


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To be clear, he wasn't "praying on the field". He was leading the whole team in prayer as part of the school event, at the 50 yard line, with the audience watching, inviting others to participate, apparently creating an atmosphere of pressure to participate, etc.. He was using his role as a coach and as faculty of the school to formally endorse and encourage his particular religion as part of the identity of the team.

And the stupid fucks at the SCOTUS thought this was not an establishment violation based on lies. Kavanaugh literally repeatedly lied in his opinion on it, claiming repeatedly that it was a private prayer instead of a giant, intentional public spectacle.

Anyone who looks at the photos of clips of the prayer will have ZERO illusion that this was a small private prayer on the field. It was a megachurch-inspired moment.

And then the coach quit after being reinstated because his mission was accomplished and he didn't actually give a shit about coaching football.

Correct me if I'm misremembering, but wasn't this also the case where he was supposed to have standing because he was fired, but it turned out that he wasn't fired?

Like he failed to do something that was required to renew his contract, and so he basically quit the first time, as well.

So he had no standing to file the lawsuit, and therefore, SCOTUS shouldn't have taken the case.

Part of what I remember is that the coaching job was in Washington, and he sued for the job after moving to Florida. Then, when asked, he said he'd be ready to start coaching in Washington again with like 3 days notice of reinstatement. He won his case, but did not move back up or try to retake his old job in any way. Makes the standing in the case look real funny.

he had no standing to file the lawsuit, and therefore, SCOTUS shouldn’t have taken the case.

haha the rapists, handmaidens, and millionaire dick riders in SCOTUS don't give a fuck about laws

Oh sweet Lemon Test. What have they done to you?

A witchfinder in 1674 wrote that lemons are icky so Alito cast the deciding vote to eliminate it.