Why do people want games that are just stories without any gameplay, these days? Why not just watch a movie for that?

PlogLod@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 98 points –

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This is the weirdest comments section I've ever seen. Stories are why I play every single one of my favourite games. I just finished Control and it's absolutely phenomenal. Yes it plays and looks great, but the story and lore is why it's so good.

< The Board thanks/precipitates you for your contribution/factotum >

Have you played the DLCs? The AWE one is great.

Yep, it was great. I picked it back up after not finishing it so did the DLCs to stretch it out as I was near the end. Finished The Foundation yesterday, not as good as the main game or AWE. I've downloaded Alan Wake Remastered now, so that's next.

Well it is a game/story from Sam lake, for me that means good. I hope he has a few more games in him.

Please take this as a genuine question and not an insult or challenge: do you read books? I’m curious if games are just the way you consume stories in your life, or if you also read stories but game stories are different in some way that matters to you.

I listen to an audiobook every day, watch TV and movies regularly.