1 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

As if fifteen year olds are buying phones themselves. Discussing this was a waste of time even before you consider that parents need to do some parenting and social networks need some regulation.

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So he did get Twitter just to ruin it and take it away from the left. This proves it, because he wants to do it again to Wikipedia whilst calling it "Wokipedia" like a broken, right wing soundboard. Neither platform allowed lies and, since it's the right and their only move is lies, in his view that makes them biased. Elon intentionally sabotaged twitter because it wouldn't let him and his rich cunt friends lie and now they want to do it to Wikipedia. He genuinely doesn't have a moral foundation, it's just lies and manipulation all the way down to his shriveled, rotten core.

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Perhaps one of the stupidest fucking ideas ever. "Let's add more and more and more distractions for drivers. A touch screen so they have to stop looking at the road! An AI to distract them with inane rambling, because we think that's an enriching conversation since we are also robots. Add that to the ads on radio fucking with you by being different volumes and having car beeping noises and shit in them and WE WILL FINALLY ERADICATE THE DRIVERS"

This is the weirdest comments section I've ever seen. Stories are why I play every single one of my favourite games. I just finished Control and it's absolutely phenomenal. Yes it plays and looks great, but the story and lore is why it's so good.

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Two popups before I can read an article means you don't get read. Bye.

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No it's designed to gain support from ignorant bigots who have nothing better to do than think about other people's genitals all the damn time, but are completely incapable of actual learning anything that isn't shoveled down their throat by a far right psychopath who stands to gain from what they're saying.

Did you even bother to read the headline? Good lord.

You clearly have no idea what playing these games is like. You should've tried them before forming your opinion.

I can't upgrade to Windows 11 (not that I'd want to considering all their enshittification), so they're leaving me with an unsecured OS. I survive on £160 a month so, no, I won't be paying for fucking security updates, instead I'll be switching to Linux and literally never considering using Windows again.

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... He thought it was a prop gun. Literally the whole point of a prop gun is being able to point it at people.

Uhuh and when an innocent person is murdered by a group of vigilante morons, because murderous groups never, ever stop to check, every single one of those vigilante morons can go to prison so they can do the crime for their time. Law and order exists for a reason, imprisonment is the consequence of their actions. If they're assaulted, that's assault, if they're murdered, that's murder.

Besides. Why the fuck would you want to lower yourself like that? Why go to prison for a rapist, is it worth it? If you think so, that just means the rapist will take your life as well.

Ha, bias. You don't need to be biased to dislike Tucker Carlson, you just need to be unbiased.

Wtf are you talking about? Arguably the rise of streaming and TV recording is purely due to the disgusting amounts of advertising on TV. Streamers start adding ads to their paid services and everyone goes "this is why we stopped watching live TV, are you stupid, Netflix?" Nobody bats an eye at TV ads? I literally haven't watched live TV for over a decade. What planet have you been living on?

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This is a false argument. They ARE profitable when they bother to try and make a good one. It's when they fill it full of mtx and drag every aspect of the game except the enjoyment out for as long as possible to try and convince you to buy shit to make it actually enjoyable after you've already paid full price. They don't get create poor games and then complain they're not profitable enough - bad products aren't profitable because they are bad products.

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It's not a news piece.

He's going to part the red sea of republicans?

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Twitter saboteur wanting to move onto sabotaging Wikipedia, the biggest reference source in the world that's only accessible via the internet, on his crusade against truth and facts? Of course it's tech news.

If you're looking for similar games to move onto, Baldur's Gate 3 is in its own tier, right at the top of the genre. Not only that but it's a step forward mechanically and presentation wise for the whole genre as well. In this game I once threw an angry hyena at an enemy. Later just threw enemies at their friends.

Pathfinder Kingmaker and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous are both excellent as well. Especially Wrath, though still with the aged style graphically speaking. You can cast touch spells through weapons! In the second one I became a lich queen with an army of undead, it might be my favourite CRPG ever because of that. It's awesome.

Divinity Original Sin and its sequel are also brilliant, made by bg3 Devs Larian on their own ruleset. I'm currently replaying the second one with my sister (yep, it's co-op), we are both playing undead. We are healed by poison and damaged by healing. Very cool.

This is my favourite genre, if you can't tell.

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It's an RPG on a computer? Specifically tabletop, like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder, but on a computer. Example games : Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, The Temple of Elemental Evil, etc.

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It's been around since the 80s, we already know long term outcomes.

What are you doing? Either use the slur without the censor, or don't use it at all. If you censor you're acknowledging that you know you shouldn't be using it and then you decided to do it anyway. Either own it or be better, you can't do both.

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It is rare that a rat gets onto a ship whilst it's already sinking only to abandon it shortly later though.

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Do you really think the people in charge and responsible for that decision are the ones who got fired? Do you really think that's how accountability works in giant mega corporations?

So you're saying that if Microsoft hadn't hoovered up another company due to being creatively bankrupt, almost two thousand people would still have a job?

Yeah great, then I can talk to literally nobody because I've never met a single person in my life who has signal, and now it doesn't even do texts anymore! Hooray!

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Yes we know, and that's why we are all so curious to find out why you only give a shit about Israeli civilians. You cunt.

Basically all games have review embargoes. If you're lucky it's before release and you get the code even earlier, but there's almost always a date you can't publish before.

The issue you're looking for is not sending code out before release so that there are no reviews at launch, so they get more people buying it blind instead of consulting a bunch of negative reviews and deciding not to.

My first playthrough was 130 hours and my character had sex once, and I only did that because the situation was so outrageous I wanted to see what happened.

It is astonishing to me that, in explaining why "baselessly ascribing malicious intent" is bad you have, in fact, baselessly ascribed the malicious intent of sowing distrust and killing of discussion to the person you are responding to. Incredibly quick hypocrisy turn around there.

Arguably it doesn't matter if its maliciousness or incompetence, the result is the same.

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Listen if you want to piss away money on transient shit you are welcome to go and do it, but the person missing the nuances here is you. The industry moving towards these models is negatively affecting gaming as a whole and it'll only get worse, even if you're too blinded by tacky skins to notice the reason why.

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This is an insane opinion.

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PSVR1 does have Skyrim VR funnily enough.

The ads on that page are so shit that I stopped trying to read three paragraphs in after I tried to close the popup, floating, and auto playing video and the x didn't work.

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Comedy Bang Bang - improv comedy where Scott Aukerman interviews interesting people, and by interesting people i mean comedians playing absurd characters. It's been going for fifteen years, Paul F Tompkins, Jason Mantzoukas, and Ben Schwarz are all regulars, and it's the only podcast I listen to almost every week.

Get Played - a gaming podcast featuring Heather Anne Campbell, Matt Wiger and Nick Apodaca (I've almost definitely misspelled or misremembered at least one of these names). They talk about games whilst being very funny - Heather is a comedy writer, Matt is occasionally on Comedy Bang Bang. It's the only gaming podcast I listen to despite much of their coverage being games I am not interested in.

Yes, I love it when people buy things from black markets too.

Your life must be so empty and depressing if this is how you are spending it.

"Wait, what was I supposed to be doing?" - sperm, apparently.

Valhalla has easily the worst combat of the three full on RPG AC games. Long attack animations every other time you finish an enemy off whilst all the others stand there patiently, for example.

Then there's the unbelievably terrible barred doors that are absolutely everywhere (they are in mirage as well) which is the shittest, lowest effort puzzle they could have ever thought of and they repeated it every fifteen feet. Good luck maintaining stealth whilst you have to go back outside and circle the building looking for a hole in the wall to shoot an arrow through in a completely plausible and not at all deliriously stupid way.

Then there's the offensively shallow side missions, the barely having anything to do with assassins for the vast majority of the shockingly bloated game, the sheer bugginess (tall grass used to disappear when I got close to it, all the way through the game), spending twenty minutes finding a chest that you spotted with your bird only to discover it's impossible to access until you're on or have completed a specific story mission. Having to wait for your raiders to open bloody chests, despite them being buggy idiots who will stand around ignoring you for five seconds before moving towards it as slowly as possible - all this, including three horrendous barred doors, in the middle of a Viking raid, because a Viking is incapable of breaking open a door somehow. Awful.

I love assassin's creed, I've played all of them. Valhalla ruined the RPGs.

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