Privacy is Priceless, but Signal is Expensive to – 606 points –
Privacy is Priceless, but Signal is Expensive

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Get with the times.

Signal stands for privacy and not selling your data to be spied on and sold, and you're STILL using SMS, spam ridden, high cost, old infrastructure, easily read, technology.

I suppose you want email in your Signal client too?

It's not about that. It's about moving people over.

You know why RCS is picking up steam? Because it's 1 app. If the person you're talking to has RCS, you'll send messages via RCS. If they don't, it'll fall back to SMS. If RCS was a separate app from SMS, adoption would be really low.

Older people especially don't want to juggle 2 apps. If you get your dad on signal, and then his friend who uses SMS messages him, he'll be back in his SMS app and won't go back to signal, meaning the next time he messages you, or anyone else that has signal, he'll instead just send an SMS since he's already in the SMS app.

Removing SMS fallback was a surefire way to kill adoption of signal.

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