A 30-Year Trap: The Problem With America’s Weird Mortgages

StrawberryPigtails@lemmy.sdf.org to News@lemmy.world – 144 points –
A 30-Year Trap: The Problem With America’s Weird Mortgages

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And the lenders don’t lose at all! They borrow the money at current rates, and immediately package it off to a mortgage backed security and sell it within weeks of closing. The only potential “loser” is the investor that buys the security, but that’s just the nature of investing.

The only potential “loser” is the investor that buys the [mortgaged backed security], but that’s just the nature of investing.

You say that, but we don't have to allow that kind of predatory shit to exist.

That's actually a mechanism to inject more liquidity to the market. And therefore allow more loans, for more people.

The opposite would mean rates would for sure increase because there would be very limited pool of capital to be loaned.

You say that as if we didn't have mortgages at reasonable rates back in the day before mortgage-backed securities were invented.

I didn't quite say that. I said it would be limited from now on.

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