Samsung Galaxy S23 vs. Samsung Galaxy S23 FE - GSMArena

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 26 points –
Samsung Galaxy S23 vs. Samsung Galaxy S23 FE

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I recently flashed Lineage OS on my phone. Some banking apps are not working. Even though the experience has been top notch for me I sometimes regret it.

Some banking apps are not working.

  • Install Magisk
  • Install Magisk Hideprops Config and Universal Safetynet Fix
  • Enable zygisk and add your banking app to the exception list
  • If your app still detects magisk as an app you can ask magisk to hide itself, or create a separate 'work' profile using Island (couldn't figure out how to link it, it's the app by Oasis Feng on the Play Store).

You'll need to do reinstall magisk after every system update, doesn't take too long.

I installed nameless on my 8t. It works well but Google Pay breaks occasionally with a "Device doesn't meet security requirements". On both instances, was able to fix with using a play integrity module but kinda annoying knowing it may not always be reliable.