Hundreds of OpenAI employees threaten to resign and join Microsoft to – 190 points –
Hundreds of OpenAI employees threaten to resign and join Microsoft

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Here is a comment I copied from Hacker News:

If they join Sam Altman and Greg Brockman at Microsoft they will not need to start from scratch because Microsoft has full rights [1] to ChatGPT IP. They can just fork ChatGPT.

Also keep in mind that Microsoft hasn't actually given OpenAI $13 Billion because much of that is in the form of Azure credits.

So this could end up being the cheapest acquisition for Microsoft: They get a $90 Billion company for peanuts.


Damn, all that because of the board. I reaaally want to know what actually drove them to fire Altman. I don't think it was worth it but heh


I sense lawsuits in openai's future.