2 Post – 137 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

This plus extreme selection bias. There's plenty of concrete that did not last for thousands of years.

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Here is the take away:

The only brand that did not show any markers of PFAS was Ziploc. Public health advocates say the best way consumers can protect themselves is to use glass containers instead of plastic.

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If I can't masturbate to every character in every game, then what's the point of gaming?

Finally, our own ship to sail the seas! The spez mutiny brought better times for this crew.

I guess it just runs in our jenes.

If only the politicians in the dominant parties had any incentive to make elections fair for all parties. As it stands, the dominant parties have too many systems in place to give themselves advantages.

Rank choice voting seems like an obvious upgrade to our current voting system but is nowhere to be found other than a couple states.

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It's not brainwashing when the voting system is specifically set up to give an advantage to the dominant parties and to suppress every minority party. There are valid reasons to be skeptical that a 3rd party could ever win without a reformed voting system.

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Have they tried SimAnt?

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Here is a comment I copied from Hacker News:

If they join Sam Altman and Greg Brockman at Microsoft they will not need to start from scratch because Microsoft has full rights [1] to ChatGPT IP. They can just fork ChatGPT.

Also keep in mind that Microsoft hasn't actually given OpenAI $13 Billion because much of that is in the form of Azure credits.

So this could end up being the cheapest acquisition for Microsoft: They get a $90 Billion company for peanuts.


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Thank you for creating and maintaining this space for us, I'm grateful for you and all of the other people working to keep things running and improving on lemmy. It is becoming harder and harder to find spaces for discussions that aren't corporate owned.

I don't think the average American wants politicians this old, they are being chosen by their political parties as having the highest chance of winning because we have a broken voting system that encourages fewer candidates per party so that they don't steal votes from each other.

That is why we need ranked choice voting, so that more candidates can run without competing and we could vote for people we actually like instead of voting against candidates we don't like.

Not to mention the need to level the playing field in terms of campaign financing which currently makes it more likely for more established politicians to have collected funding from private organizations, superpacs, and corporate lobbying.

This means that the politicians who are in the pockets of the capitalist elites are more likely to win and to enact the will of these corporations.

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For regular people, an inheritance tax is not great. For the ultra-wealthy it should be mandatory.

Arguments against an inheritance tax:

  • Double taxation: Critics argue that inheritance taxes are a form of double taxation, since the assets being inherited have already been taxed once during the decedent's lifetime.

  • Hurts small businesses: Family-owned businesses can face hardship if they must be sold off to pay inheritance taxes.

  • Discourages investment: Inheritance taxes can disincentivize people from saving and investing, as they know a portion of their wealth will go to the government.

Arguments for an inheritance tax:

  • Reduces wealth inequality: Inheritance taxes help to redistribute wealth from the very wealthy to the rest of society, reducing income inequality.
  • Prevents concentration of power: By limiting the ability of wealth to be passed on unchecked, inheritance taxes can help to prevent excessive concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few families.
  • Source of government revenue: Inheritance taxes can be a significant source of revenue for governments, which can be used to fund social programs and public goods.
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Yeah, and if someone receives the diagnosis too late then there may not be time to go to court and still perform the procedure before it's too late. This woman was lucky to have lawyers working on her behalf.

Now the Republicans will always point to the few examples such as this one to claim their system is merciful and fair. It's such BS though, as if a judge's opinion on a medical issue matters one bit against those of doctors.

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This was me except I was disappointed when the blood test came back completely healthy. I guess it's all in my head after all...

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The difference is that some users have been using sync for a decade and using Lemmy for only a month. So it's a lot easier to mentally justify supporting a developer who you've been benefiting from for so long.

I have also donated to my local instance, I really hope to see it all grow together.

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Wow, that's horrible. It is so wrong that the authorities were able to keep her detained just because they don't agree with the judge's multiple rulings... for 6 years?!

This is like when I was 11 and my family went hiking up a mountain in Yellowstone. My young cousin and I thought my brother was ahead of us on the trail so we hurried up trying to catch up to him. We were passing many hikers on a busy trail and being safe.

An hour later my brother comes running up behind us saying everyone is looking for us! Apparently the park rangers had been mobilized to search for us, the missing children, and when we got down the mountain an hour or more later our families were down there in tears fearing we had fallen off the mountain or something.

Point being, it's totally possible for everyone to think you're lost and in danger when you are fine and know exactly where you are.

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Whether it's a surprise or not, users don't have a choice of what platform is most popular or effective at getting work. Many applications for gigs ask for links to your social media, it's the default portfolio that many clients look for.

All that artists can do is diversify to other platforms which have the same issues, and make a personal website which will probably get almost no traffic.

Have you tried using the search engine built into qBittorent? For example, here is what it looks like when searching for Paw Patrol S01:

How to install search engines in qB:

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That's surprising that the black box overwrites itself after 2 hours of recording. This article linked to an article I missed about how the plane that had the door/panel fall off had the cockpit audio overwritten because it wasn't collected in time.

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No, that is a common misconception. Most (~85%) companies in China are completely private and just pay taxes. Most of the super large companies (like fortune 500) are partially or completely state owned though. They have embraced aspects of capitalism the last decade, but with checks to ensure that huge corporations don't control society like in the US.

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Does Technology Connections sell shirts? In most of his recent videos he has worn a black shirt with zoomed in RGB pixels from a digital display and I've been looking for it everywhere because I work in a related industry.

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My ADHD brain waiting for the ADHD meds shortage to end.

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"[Google] will give users an exclusive offer for a Self Setup System from ADT on us (up to $485 value) or $200 to use on the Google Store."

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Humans aren't the only species on Earth. Mass extinction is bad for everyone living on this planet, mostly the other animals who suffer our destruction. I wish we could just live in equilibrium without killing off every species that isn't worth farming.

Earth is currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, according to scientists.

Exactly. US oil companies won't voluntarily "go green" unless it is more profitable to do so.

I was a production engineer at a US oil company for 5 years and each week I was instructed to calculate what the maximum amount of natural gas each well was allowed to flare while staying exactly below the legal limit. This is natural gas which cannot be sold so it is burned on-site which produces less greenhouse gases than just releasing it to the atmosphere.

Essentially, I was helping them pollute the maximum legal amount in order to maximize profit from the oil production. The gas pipelines hadn't been built yet but the oil company didn't want to wait for that since the oil is more valuable. This was A LOT of gas being burned. The fire balls were enormous and roared, sounding like a helicopter or jet engine at times.

Everything in the company worked this way. Old wells didn't get plugged and cleaned up until the local state government threatened fines. Leaks and spills were only monitored as closely as they were because the state had inspectors going around issuing hefty fines.

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I hope that as more of the world gets access to the Internet and information that more and more people will leave religions. When I was able to freely read the history of different religions and critical analysis by atheists it made my mind up fairly quickly.

"We need to convert all cars to electric ASAP to save the planet!"
"-Wait, not like that!"

Seriously though, when I visited China recently, I was blown away by how many cool cars are there. In the US we have like 3 companies that own the entire market of similar vehicles.

Yeah and it seems obvious that they shouldn't be driving vehicles where people are laying. This is the third person I've heard of being run over by police on a beach this summer.

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Yes, it's /c/piracy! Using torrents. Open source, community ran, providing free and equal access to information for all.

Or Usenet which is direct network access to enormous private digital media libraries to download to your own computer.

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Ironically, Russians think they are fighting Nazis in Ukraine.

Interesting, but the article does say that it happened with the guillotine.

When the guillotine was first introduced, some condemned criminals would pay executioners to sharpen the blade, ensuring a quick and relatively merciful end. Prisoners sentenced to beheading in certain eras in England would also pay their executioners, requesting execution in a single blow. In both of these senses, the payment was more like a bribe than a specific fee for services rendered, as it were.

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Yeah I think they misread that part. Cannabis was moved to schedule 3 which, for example, contains ketamine.

I have the update and it makes sense to me. I don't want to accidentally click install while scrolling through search results. The arrow functions as a drop down preview of the app for easy comparison. The install button is still there on the main app screen.

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You pay extra for the exposed brick look in hip downtown loft apartments!

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So Biden is trying to block the import of BYD cars, and now Tesla isn't making an affordable car, where are we supposed to get affordable electric cars from now?

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Paywalled. Where and why would the rental market be softening?

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Thank you, I think it was a mix of anxiety/depression and life circumstances. The stress causes me not to eat enough in the first half of the day and I would feel very low energy.

Since then I've started a new job, moved across the country, got back into the gym, and that reset has helped a lot.

Cultural smells are interesting. In Japan, they find the strong scents of perfume, cologne, and even shampoo that westerners wear to be intolerable and people at restaurants will discreetly ask to change tables to move away from those wearing it. They are more sensitive to fragrances there while Americans have fragrance in almost everything.

Of course, the most respectful thing to do when traveling is to just take a shower and wear a neutral deodorant so that you're not giving off any unique smells.

This situation sure sounds like it blew up into a racist power trip though.

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