PSN login Captchas are hilarious!! to – 41 points –
Is it normal that the PSN website captchas are harder than Sony's first party game puzzles?

This is too funny to not share!

Some of the requests like listening to multiple songs and type in the number which changed instruments are genuinely difficult.

The 3D puzzles can be very tricky as well. Whose genius idea is this??


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Yep I've started getting weird garbled almost images in captchas and it's just gross that I have to add to an AI training data set just to use a service.

Make sure you update your resume with your new skill of "AI Trainer"!

Good idea, I'll put it right by "Time Person of the Year 2006"!

Couldn't hurt. I list that I can "talk to animals". I have no clue if the animals understand me, but that's not the point.

The original idea of recapcha was nice, we helped digitize books that had words the OCR couldn't recognize.