1 Post – 72 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Don't think that meta turning into even more of a global social megacorp that controls everything a lot of people seee and interact with day to day is a good thing tbh.

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My giant megacorp owned by a billionaire is better than your giant megacorp owned by a billionaire.

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Yeah media is still acting like we're in an era where political disagreements are still a matter of differing politics instead of the modern issue of completely divergent moralities.

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There’s “slow burn” and there’s “these people may not know what fire is”

Then why are they using white phosphorus on civilians?

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At least this is less likely to hurt or kill people.

It sure seems like resistance is minimal so far to Wagner.

Yep I've started getting weird garbled almost images in captchas and it's just gross that I have to add to an AI training data set just to use a service.

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By that same logic reddit was a harbor of alt-right and other shitty people but if you curated your experience with it you could mostly avoid it. Similarly so with tumblr in my experience.

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How do you figure?

Yep cis-trans isomerism

Or anything that's not the status quo.

That’s why they’re putting out a puff piece to get people to move there before it’s too late lol

like 5 years ago

Can you point to data that supports your point or is this just a gut feeling you have that you assume to be factual? I know for myself that my strength and endurance are nothing like what they were before estrogen. Science overall seems to agree. You are just dead set on your opinion and refuse to change your mind.

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And there it is. You don't actually see trans women as women and that's why you're being shouted down for being transphobic.

If you were going to vote for Trump instead of the libertarian then kind of yes.

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What stands out the most to me is that no one thought there'd be kids inside until they think to check a classroom almost half an hour into the standoff. It's the middle of a school day, there are school district police on site. This is awful.

If you want buy in you should probably include something about who you are and what this is about. Especially for an on boarding meeting you want enough info people want to get abroad.

I've def seen conservative talking points about climate change being a myth sold by china to make american manufacturing and such noncompetitive.

If you’re in the US and have a license they’re supposed to ask you to sign up to be an organ donor. Do that and let doctors decide what’s best instead of bequeathing a kidney to your cousin George.

I recommend The Morning Show to anyone who will listen to me. Apple just releases the wildest stuff.

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I guess it all depends on how significant significant is. Probably 10k so I don't have to worry so much about affording an upcoming surgery.

Thanks Britain!

You can search through tags to find people but honestly i find reblog chains suitable for finding people i'm interested in after getting started with some fandom tags and other stuff.

Oo do I have a surprise for you. Get a load of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.

Me starting shit at the chili cook off

I got hard stuck on one of the seymour fights on Mt. Gagazet and couldn't be fucked to grind out enough levels to brute force it so that's still where my save file is stuck at some 20 years later.

As I've told my partner, if there's instability to the point society is breaking down my plan is to die. That's it. My only plan is to die. Once my hormones run out that's gg for me I'm not going back to the wrong hormones while everything collapses I just plan to die.

Now if there's a path to escape back to civilization I'll see what I can do but if my country (USA) is in (open) civil war it doesn't look good for the rest of the world

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Why walk when you can ride?


Only 10 months to go for me for a preliminary consult for a surgery to alleviate chronic pain wooooo

You may notice that this parallels the american school grading system to a T. Most major gaming review sites and such are done by americans that spent anywhere between 4-10+ years with that being the what grading/reviewing/scoring was done in almost every interaction they ever had past childhood, there's no wonder it's the standard here even if it's changed the scoring paradigm.

For the stock market line go up is good for me because it means the corporate overlords are less likely to hurt me than if line go down.

that's because there's a lot of money to be made in making it complicated.

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Just assume anything amazon says is false.

Sometimes I'm hungry and not sober. Nothing is in walking distance and no way in hell would I drive like that so some days I pay too much for junk food despite the drawbacks.

Must be an election year, Bernie's doing things again.

I’ve tried it before but this year I really committed to trying Mint as a daily driver. Was going well until I ran into a weird issue with wine and text to speech integrations in a game.

Hunt: Showdown