
Unmarketable to – 274 points –

Image transcription: a meme that reads"I wish windows had a universal hotkey to open linkedin on my default browser ctrl + shift + alt + win + L:" below is an image of Mercy from Overwatch holding her hand out in a gesture that suggests offering aid. End transcription.


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whispering give in, dualboot linux

My personal machines are all on linux already. But unfortunately my work laptop isn't and won't be unless I find a different job.

Dual boot? Disgusting. Windows doesn’t get the privilege of bare metal in my house. It must relegated to a virtual machine

That's good but some people use windows for rootkitsgames that need bare metal or a more difficult vm setup

VM gaming was a lot easier to setup than I expected. Anything is possible with the Arch Wiki! Some anticheats will block you though, so super competitive games like Counterstrike or Apex Legends are out