Programmer Belch

0 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Linux and FLOSS enthusiast, trying to unplug myself from the net by selfhosting. Enfasis on trying.

Those are really cool, I will save it for my rotation

Just buy a gag, it makes saying a slur more difficult, saving yourself from bans

Can't use YouTube with my VPN without signing in

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It's more of a me problem as I don't like installing more apps than needed, I just use Firefox for watching YouTube or download the videos to watch later with yt-dlp. Both of these methods need me to disconnect the VPN

Ublock doesn't seem to work with their proxy

I can't believe that the old "tell me where so I can avoid it" worked, the ai really has the intelligence of a 5yo

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This map is somewhay misleading, some countries use currency without decimals, making their currency worth effectively less. Take for example the euro, a cent (a one hundredth of an euro) is cerntainly worth less than a robux while an euro isn't. The same comparison with the japanese yen (efectively a cent) shows that robux is more valuable. The map should be how many robux can you buy with the minimum wage for example.

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Girlboss grindset

I would love the one with the you are on your own error in a shirt

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Reject modernity, embrace tradition. Let's go back to the old internet powered by people who knew how to connect their computer to the web and their custom webpages

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Don't forget the mods, console fanboys only get their approved mods while PC gets the wild west experience

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I paid for the whole pizza, I'm eating the whole pizza

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If I ever install a 300GB game, call my doctor because I'm comatose

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Usually the thing about the webpage not working is just codeword for "we have not tested it and we won't". If you really need to access it, there are some extensions that can change your user agent so the page thinks you are in chromium.

This is the one I use.

In Reagan's America worms looked like circumcised penises Exhibit A: Exhibit A

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Software updates for what? New ways to wash your clothes? I only use like two or three settings in mine

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Do you have a highee res image or the original source? I want to add it to my collection of wallpapers

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So you are telling me the cat noises are just the TLS handshake to verify the connection?

Adding a speedrunner timer to their game that takes into account load times

With bios like these I should put my neofetch in mine

It's to bump fists with another person. They say android girls fists are really hard and can hurt you

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This is the first lesson you have to learn as a Linux enthusiast, NEVER run commands you don't know from the internet

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My personality is being paranoid, linux just comes naturally

I like reading xeet as "shit", makes it much more realistic

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I really hope swappable batteries make a comeback to ditch the portable batteries and just swap a fresh one.

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Tell me that while parallel parking

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Then use a firefox fork that's more in line with your beliefs. It's a pro of open source

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I always hate the dry world, I would love living underwater

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Can't even get to the first level 🥺

Is it that difficult to enter a shower once a week?

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You don't own what is in the cloud another person's computer

Remember to use protection

Factorio and the human drive to expand the factory

That is prone to error, just a pixel can be too small of a sample. I would prefer something with hashes, just a sha1sum every 5 seconds of the current frame. It can be computed while buffering videos and wait until the ad is over to splice the correct region

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The wonderful charcteristics of a certain water pokemon

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whispering give in, dualboot linux
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It can just fetch the information one line at a time like a printing machine. I don't think the receipt machine has that much memory to hold everything

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Nah man I want to be dominated by a Fish Speaker whose only mission is to extract my seed to continue the breeding program

And I'm not joking

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