A lesson in Input Validation

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 985 points –

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It can just fetch the information one line at a time like a printing machine. I don't think the receipt machine has that much memory to hold everything

im talkin about the half a dozen systems that data flowed through before hitting the printer.

Maybe this isn't a big chain. I worked for a local pizza place a while back, and they had their own website set up by the owner. It would have been up to him to set the limit.

If his printer wasnt one from just eat linked to the just eat order machine we might have had the same problem. The printer was dumb, it likely just responded to whatever input it recieves. In the case of just eat orders they likely have a char limit so its never an issue.

Theres a couple clues that suggest it's a Canadian cannabis dispensary. Which is interesting as many use the same web app for menus and online orders (Dutchie), though some don't.